[The Fourth Way Café]

The Fourth Way® Café

Le Salon Bleu

URL http://www.oocities.org/thefourthwaycafe/salonbleu5.html

Le Salon Bleu—-La Vie Ordinaire

Do you just want the coffee or the caffeine, or simply to meet the opposite sex?

Please, stop here and help yourself! No need to go any further inside! There is enough here to occupy you!

Or perhaps you want to idle away the long and boring hours by playing interactive games, or more games?

Or you could check on the status of the pot of the coffee.

Or do you just want to read the newspapers?

Or do you just need a map of the Paris Metro?

Or do you have the thirst for the alcohol? Allors! He is the stern master!

Or would you like something more substantial? D’accord! Come further inside!

C’est tout! More to come later! Merci beaucoup! Au revoir! Come visit us again! À bientôt!


| Salle d’accueil | Le Salon Bleu | Le Salon Rose | Le Salon Noir | Le Salon Blanc | Le Salon Vert | Le Salon Rouge | La Terrasse |

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