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This is a page dedicated to all of the artwork that I use on this site, I personally cannot draw or paint to save my life, so I have gone onto the internet to find these pictures.

The place where I found all of the artists and, apart from the art that Markku Peltoniemi has done specifically for this site, all of the art is Elfwood ( )

I want to thank all of the people who have let me use their artwork, it means a lot to me, and I think it really makes the site look better

I own none of this art; it is all owned and copyrighted by the various artists. These pictures are all use with permission.

Anyway, enough waffle, on with the art!!

Markku Juhani Peltoniemi

The first 2 images here I found on Marrku's page on elfwood ( The other pictures were drawn for this site, and I am _very_ grateful to Markku for them.

Alexandre Abdoulaev

This picture is of Tirael, an ancient and powerful bad guy from Alexandre's comic 'Ghost:2138'. Alexandre's page on Elfwood is, and his homepage is

Curtis Craddock

This image I found on Curtis's page on Elfwood ( Aparently it is the icon for Tameric, God of Vengance. Curtis's own home page is


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