

 National Assembly

 Legislative Assembly





A guillotine: method of execution duing the french revolution





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Revolution: Forcible action by a nation etc. to substitute in a new ruler or system of government.

The Enlightenment: A period during the 18th century where new ideas spread around which placed more emphasis on reason and individualism rather than tradition.

Aristocracy: The ruling class of nobles which inherited their titles.

The Bourgeoisie: The middle or working class.

Ancien Regime: The system of government in France prior to the revolution.

Sovereignty: A country's power to govern its own affairs.

The Clergy: The body of all persons ordained for religious duties.

Constitution: A group of fundamental principles according to which a State of other organization is governed.

Royalists: Supporters of the monarch as an institution or of the royal side in a civiil war.

Radicals: People with extreme political views desiring radical reforms.

Inflation: The general increase in the price of goods.

Nationalism: Patriotic feeling, principles or efforts.

Liberalism: Democratic reform and individual liberty.



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