Images You Can Use
to show that you care!

You may use any of the pictures below on your site, to tell your visitors how you feel about a certain relationship - providing you stick to the rules!

It's simple:

  1. Do not claim it to be your own work.
  2. You must save the image on your own server - do not link to my image.
  3. Do not alter the image in any way.
  4. Place a link directly beside/underneath the image to The Friends Forever Homepage. Using a simple text link, our banner or our icon:

Any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

So, without further ado, here are the...


wpe4.jpg (23257 bytes)

wpe9.jpg (28456 bytes)

wpeB.jpg (24875 bytes) wpeD.jpg (40091 bytes)

Please be patient...