Steve was in the Boy Scouts. He reached the rank of Life before being kicked out of his troop for smoking and drinking during a weekend camping trip at Camp Manitoc.

Steve wrote editorials for The Sill Times, his Junior High School newspaper. That probably started him down the road to becoming a Liberal Democrat trouble-maker. Steve is in the very back of the above photo.

Steve also played basketball during his last year at Sill Junior High. The team's season record was 16-1 and they won the Eastview Tournament. A record that was never duplicated up to the time the school was closed. Steve is #53.

During his senior year at Cuyahoga Falls High School, Steve ran for senior class president. The principal of the school would not allow Steve to make any speeches due to his liberal views. The night before the elections Steve and his friends covered the halls of the school with signs (above). When the votes were counted, Steve came in fourth among the seven candidates.

Steve worked set construction for Cuyahoga Falls High School's Spring musical, Carousel. Steve's on the far right (above), with one foot on the ladder.

A tradition at Cuyahoga Falls High School was something called "Twirp Day" when students would dress up in costumes for the day. During his senior year, Steve and his best friends dressed up as Kiss. Steve is on the far left (above), leaning back, dressed as Gene Simmons.

Everyone remembers Jeffery Dahmer, the Milwaukee man who murdered and butchered 15 men before he was arrested in 1991. In the late summer of 1988, when Dahmer was still on his killing spree, Steve Hammond was between gigs, living in Milwaukee, and working for a painting contractor. The work crew Steve was assigned to actually painted the exterior of the apartment building where Dahmer was a resident.

While living in Youngstown, Steve began dating a woman who had recently been divorced, but her ex-husband followed them and watched them constantly. After several weeks, Steve decided he'd had enough and broke it off. Four days later the woman was out on a date with a new guy. When they left the bar where they'd stopped her ex-husband jumped the guy and stabbed him to death, thinking he was Steve.