<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/thegirlsclub_2003/Scooby_Doo_Theme.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to the one and only exclusive Girls Club. Here's a little background info on the club. Ok well it started in 2001 but it wasn't a success until 2003. We now have alot of members. You may join the club anytime. Just IM us if we are ever online. Or email the president. We are thinking of getting a screen name for AIM but our Yahoo ID is thegirlsclub_2003 so IM us if you ever want to join. I just made some message boards but they're general boards so if you want to talk about the girls club send me a Private Message on those boards. To go to the message boards please click here.
    Our Club Postions
President- Mathura
Vice President- Stephanie
Secretary- Devon
Treasuer- Stephanie
Publicity Chair Person- Crystal
Activity Chair Person- Mathura
Reps- Nora, Jessica, Ani, and Aruna
Flyer Girl- Niji
If you click on the doll at the top you can go and see our latest club news and other important things.
To go see the other dolls of our members click the doll on the left.
To visit our celebrity members click on the doll at the left.
To contact any of the club members please click on the doll on the left hand side, it will lead you to our contact page and you may contact any of the club members if you have any questions about our club.
Click the doll above to go to our links page.