Artifact Name: The Medal of Sir Edmund Hillary
Team: Silver Snakes
Artifact Location: The Room of Three Torches
Pendants: 2
Players: Danny + Tara
*Credit goes to nicklegends at the King's Storeroom for this image!
Summary: Neither Danny or Tara were bad contestants. Danny started out in the Gargoyle Room where he met a temple guard. The door to the bridge opened but the door to the Observatory did not. Danny was then forced down into the Cave of Sighs where he continued until he was taken out in the Heart Room. Tara made a good move and started out in the Cave instead of heading straight up to the Gargoyle room. She retraced Danny;s steps to the Heart Room. She continued along the top floor to the Shrine where she had a little trouble putting the monkey together. After she assembled the monkey she was forced into the Well where she had to ride the SLOW elevator up to the Room of Three torches where she got the medal (which Kirk called the pendant -_-). She raced all the way up to the Observatory and pulled a "Anne Bonny" where she traveled down the central column of the temple. Her time ended in the Wheel Room.
-- Tara was one of the few contestants to drop the artifact.