20th Annual Tyee Tour 2006
Photo Page 2
Awesome high elevation country in Burke Channel.
4000 ft. above sealevel, 1300 ft. below
Mark Perry experiences an exhilarating shower while filling a pail from a glacial fed waterfall to replenish the vessel’s water supply in South Bentinck Arm.
Mark Perry, Brent McHugh and I met in Hakai Pass to spend a few days sight seeing up Burke Channel towards Bella Coola. At the head of Burke we turned south into South Bentinck Arm where we visited a hot springs and explored ashore.
On our way back towards the coast we traveled down Dean Channel past Alexander MacKenzie Park. This location is as far west as MacKenzie explored in 1793 after his 2 year trip across Canada over land from Quebec becoming the first man to cross the continent north of Mexico.