home The Great Von brons Realm Home Comics Artwork Images Trumpet page Everything else Contact, credit and how to link to me. Welcome
Welcome to The Great Von Bron's Realm!

Here on this site, there are funny images, artwork, sprite comics (and hosted sprite comics), and pages related to some of my favorite hobbys; such as the trumpet. Please look around! You might find something worth while....


6/11/04 - I'm tearing down the site to make way for the new layout. Lots of things will be changed, so say goodbye to the old The Great Von bron's Realm!!!

4/14/04 -


Get a sneak peak:

4/11/04 - Hey yall! This isn't really much of an update, I'm just here telling you that I have NOT abandoned this site. I've been busy working on other stuff, like a big ol' reasearch paper for school. So, yeah.

3/16/04 - Ok now, the layout is finally finished. All I need to do is put up more polls on other pages and more stuff will come! It shouldn't take too long or anything. Probably a couple hours or so...

3/15/04 - Hello again. I haven't added any new content up yet, I mainly worked on the layout. Such as the tables, as you can see. I'll add content once I've finished the layout.

3/14/04 - The site is finally back up, and I PROMISE I will not reform the whole site again...at least not for a long time, how about? ;)

How do you like my site?
Greatest. Site. EVAR. A fine job, old chap! Average. HORRIBLE.   
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Copywright Darren Stanger | © 2004 The Great Von Bron's Realm

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