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The Sybil Institute's Mission Statement

Here at the Sybil Institute, we are here for the aid of all Cyber-citizens who deserve to be locked up. We provide counceling, and analyzation of written works and artistic ventures of the insane.

Psychology vs. Religion

"Psychology is the new religion. We psychiatrists tell people when they come to us what is right and what is wrong." - 12 Monkeys. And here at the Sybil Institute we feel the same way. Why not let a person (who may only slightly differ from you in some sort of mental capacity) run your life for you, since you seem not to be able to do it yourself? Which brings us to our famous motto here at TSIPD "Why not?". (for keepsake purposes of your time in need, we do sell t-shirts with our motto on them)

Residents and Interns

With our well-calibrated staff we will be able to use our web presence to display the artwork and written work of our patients. Although currently we only have one resident loony, his imput has been enough to fill alittle space.

Open to Visiting Psychiatrists

We welcome Visiting Psychiatrists to visit and send us e-mail concerning their views of our patients, and purhaps our mistakes in misdiagnosing them. We will soon offer a Waiting Room to post concerns.

You send your e-mail at the bottom of the page.

Funding For This Page

Well, if you haven't noticed, we're sell-outs and this page is brought to you courtesy of our sponsors who want your money (in some way). We'd ask you to visit them if we thought for a moment that you actually would, or if it would have any impact on our lives (which it doesn't).

This Web Page has been produced by , a small division of TMDOTPBM Enterprises International, Inc. ©2003 Founded by The Mighty Druids®, ©1994. All rights reserved.
Just because your coat is shiny doesn't mean you have to lick it too.