- May 26, 2003

Well, this posting is a long time in the making. I have to admit this is probably the fifth incarnation, but I thought the previous version to be too depressing to post publicly. It's been a wild rollercoaster ride for my emotions the past week or so. At first I didn't handle that too well, but things have finally come back to normal. I'd like to think that it's because of the young lady I entertained last night which has given me something else to think about the past few days.

I can only hope that I haven't lost interest in my "fans" with the tardiness of posting. Maybe I've become too dependent on the curiosity and interest of you all in regards to my own interest for writing these things. I wonder how much longer I can feign modesty (lol).

So we had Amanda's party this past Saturday. If you didn't show up you didn't miss anything. Both Jay and I kept our clothes on (as did everybody else who showed up). We did, however, give a little concert for the remaining guests before quietly departing (which included both the guest of honor (Amanda) and her mom). I had to deal with two ex-girlfriends, but that went surprisingly well. I basically spent most of the evening with Amber, even leaving the party for an extended period of time to get Taco Bell. After Amber, most of my conversation was spent with Beth. I always enjoy talking with her. Hell, all of my ex-girlfriends have been wonderful to me. I'm glad that I can still enjoy their friendship. In that respect I have to consider myself very lucky.

Unfortunately, I'm out of time. More to come in the near future. Hopefully.


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Just because your coat is shiny doesn't mean you have to lick it too.