Paul Ivan McBrier Jr.


Current Projects

TMDOTPBM Enterprises
Being the Chief Laborer, I am the ears and eyes and heart of this operation and all that it does or does not do. Right now our production of lint has come to a screeching halt with my idea of glueing rolly eyes to them and selling them as pets. Since I do all the work I am also the Marketing Lead Executive.

As of May 1999 lint production returned to full throtle with a new special blend.

This is our Webpage making division, but I don't know much about that. Rumour has it that the concept of a fag hag is a woman who falls in love with gay men, and a web head is a person who has become so addicted to the internet that they have found no reason to ever leave the house. Unfortunatly I preteneded to be gay for the longest time and I think I can successfully say that there is no such thing as a Fag Hag also we've found the internet is not addictive and we can quit at anytime.

PaulLand Forever
This means many things; it means alternative sources of energy, homes for the homeless, and the acceptance of me as the leader of Earth. Then shortly after that a ceremony will be held which will rename the Earth, the planet "PAUL".Complete Details

Mental Divergence
This is the long-awaited Public Access show devoted to TMDOTPBM Enterprises, Inc.(because they happen to fund it), produced by Druid Television (DTV) by Druidic Production in Blue Spruce Studios at Studio 42 which purhaps will include video clips of Driver Paul (the recently in flux band) as well as skits from the Black Socks Production team, and perhaps some sort of revelation of The Mighty Druids Of the Psycadellic Biscuit Mobile. Currently no air date has been set. For the most part we are awaiting a cast, a script, lots of equipment and free time. Although produciton has been on and off since 1994.More Details.

Event's that happened once...
This is going to be a seperate page that contains just about everything, for the person who wants to know what happened in my life but just doesn't want to read it in novel format. Comming soon.


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Biographical Information

A complete Autobiographical Novel, in the works.
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Personal Interests

I own a mutt named Bean. She is a mean protector and randomly affectionate.

That about does it on the currant pet situation, anything else I bring home would only be a light snack for Bean.

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Employee Information

Job title
The Lord God of Receiving

Key responsibilities
I make people lift hevy things(sometimes I help). I have a two way radio (but so does everyone else. I am one of the few with a cordless phone. I make people restock shelves, and drive a Stand-up fork truck (or Yale Narrow Isle Reach truck). I am a fork truck certification instructor. I am responsible for everything that enters the building via my dock.

Wesco's Home Page
Wesco Distribution

I will not be seen on that web page, but I really do work there. In fact not even my boss's boss's boss's boss can be seen there, but we are a vast company.

For my complete resume, click here.


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These sites have made me happy

The old sites


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Philosophical Drunk
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

I knew an illegal emigrant in muncie his name was PEDRO. <--Don't click here.

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This Web page has been produced by a small division of TMDOTPBM International Enterprises Inc.©1997, Founded by The Mighty Druids® 1994. All rights reserved. Just because your coat is shiny doesn't mean you have to lick it too.