"Other" Quotes

"Trying is the first step towards failure."
-Homer Simpson

-Tommy Lee Jones
House Of Cards (1993)

"We can hike any day. Today we have a chance to watch cars driving."
-Homer Simpson

"The glass is half empty, so they piss in it to make it full."
-Kevin Cox
On the military's way of dealing with pessimism

"T.V. rots the Brian."
-Adam Runnels

"It's a shame to see good guitars wasted on bad country."
-Adam Runnels

"If you yell at them they don't really care. But if you pee on their floor they know you mean business."
-Amber Ward

"I'm not a good lover, but at least I'm fast."
-Drew Carey

"Let's be realistic here. If two big monsters are standing across from each other shooting whatever that is out of their mouth, the first one that gets hit is gonna die. Let's be realistic here."
-Adam Runnels

"You can add just about anything to ramen, and if you liked it before you put it in the ramen, you should like it after you put it in the ramen, given that you also like ramen."
-Buddhist Monk (or Paul McBrier)

"Screw you! My mom says I'm Cool!"
- T-shirt by 13 proof clothing

"Jeri-Curl. It's not outta style. You is!"
- Saturday Night Live

"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight."
- George Gobel

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Just because your coat is shiny doesn't mean you have to lick it too.