work in progress 4-1-03 we (Paul and tony) thought this up at the u-stor when we moved him into joe's house. Secret Internet Wealth Plans Revealed for Free!
Do you want to earn money in your spare time?
Did your girl/boy friend recently leave you, because you don't have any money?
Do you want to make money from your misfortune?
Did they also leave their things behind as a constant reminder of what you have lost?

Well now you can!

Start an account on Ebay.
Buy a digital camera.
sell everything they left behind.

It's so simple!

To order plans to harvest failed relationships with the underlying goal of selling all of another persons belongings please send $49.95 to TMDOTPBM Enterprises. To get a correct mailing adress consult a tarot reader.

This Web Page has been produced by , a small division of TMDOTPBM Enterprises International, Inc. ©2003 Founded by The Mighty Druids®, ©1994. All rights reserved.
Just because your coat is shiny doesn't mean you have to lick it too.