<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/thehomeofsilkenpetals/howbeautiful.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Tree in My Garden
Each spring, the tree blooms
like no other in my garden.
It comes alive...with beauty
and grace, unfolding blossoms
to the sun...
Planted long ago, out of friendship
for a caring soul, of souls. Our paths,
do not always cross and reality has
never been the question.
Each Spring, I am reminded, when
its beauty bursts forth, there is always life
In the garden of your mind,
things you will remember, for all time.
The Beauty of One Blossom
That crossed your path and walked
awhile in your life, giving faith and friendship.
Always blooming, each spring

In the Garden of Your Mind.


MidNight Wind Creations
