Azhar Kaleem
I am Azhar kaleem,The President of CAMP INTERNATIONAL PAKSIATAN.
Said orgaanization is working against the Misuse of internet and Pornography.
Iam an NGO oriented person working with different organization of national and international levels.
Please read this message.
The importance of protecting children from the harms of predators and pornography, and the link to sexual violence. Today, through the Internet ,our children have access to vast new worlds of information, it is one of the most positive educational tools developed in our century. Cyberspace is fun, fascinating ,and it is the future. Unfortunately ,it can also be dangerous
Millions of homes, schools and public libraries are now connected to the Internet, facilitating the fastest spread of the dangerous pornography known to our society .This presents two primary threats: children’s easy access to pornography and predator’s easy access to children through online “chatrooms”
All possible avenues of attacking this problem must be explored. Highly civilian assistance is warranted due to the unique challenges this new communication medium has presented to world wide Law Enforcement.

Azhar kaleem
Camp International
My Favorite Links:
Tree of Life
My Info:
Name: Azhar kaleem