In Memory of the victims of 9/11

Rayven's Rant

War in Iraq

Am I the only one sick to death of hearing from these bleeding heart, holier than thou, self-righteous assholes whining about how "unjust" this war is? This rant is dedicated to those people who believe we should just sit back, keep our mouths shut and our ordnance at home while letting dictators build their plot to destroy our way of life.

Define unjust for me? Please, because I MUST be missing something. Please explain to me how justice can be found in a man who rules people by fear, rape, murder, and tyranny. Show me the justice in 16 yr old girl who struggles to hold the skin on half of her face because she’s been exposed to his latest ‘weapon’. You people cry for the innocent lives that may be lost, our boys or theirs, but the cold hard fact is; if we allow this pattern to continue, Hussein will bring this fight to OUR doorstep. At that point, the innocent lives that will be lost will be our loved ones.. That action will put MY 10 yr old son, my 60 yr old mother and father, and YOUR sorry ass in the cross hairs. Not the military personnel who signed up for this.. and trust me, they knew war was a possibility when they made the decision to join. Just a news flash for those of you who’ve been living under a rock: The United States Military exists to protect our country, our people, our way of life.. It is not only their choice to protect those who can not protect themselves and our national liberties and safety, it is their RESPONSIBILITY- and in being a citizen of this great nation, it is also YOURS. Please keep in mind while you’re painting your protest signs and jumping up on that soap box for the "latest most popular cause"- that the Commander in Chief of this ‘unjust war’ is the reason you have the PRIVILEGE to do so. Try that shit in Iraq, and they’ll execute you on Friday - they hold executions like our high schools hold Friday night football games.. there is no trial.. especially if you’re a woman.. you have NO rights.. NO say, NO mind of your own to speak. You are less than a person.. less than an object. So, in closing.. this is a free country.. it is that way because people have sacrificed for my right and YOUR right to be free.. use that right, take your happy ass to Iraq for a month. IF you survive, come back and tell me what your opinion of JUSTICE is then.





In Memory of the victims of 9/11


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