Samantha Gold

Disclaimer: They all belong to Joss, not me! What can I say? Life stinks.

Feedback: God, yes! I live for it! Please! Don’t make me beg…
Summary: It’s the day before Buffy goes off to UC Sunnydale…In this universe, Angel never left…
Author’s Note: Set in the "Curse? What Curse?" universe. I can’t take credit for that, someone else who is not me thought it up. Oh and this is major, major fluff. If you hate it, don’t read this.
Dedication: This is to Serena because she wanted fluff and for my friend, Heather, because she read it and said such nice things about it :-)

Buffy and Angel lay on the couch in the mansion, cuddling together. His arms were wrapped around her protectively and her head was tucked away in the crook of his neck, her body pressed tightly against him.

"I’m going to miss you," he murmured against her hair.

"What do you mean?" She asked, turning her face slightly so that she was facing him a little better.

"When you go to College tomorrow," he answered with one of his sexy half-smiles. "I won’t get to see you every day. I’m going to miss it."

She turned herself around in his arms so that she was looking down at him, into his eyes. His arms stayed locked around her and she rested her hands on his shoulders to hold herself up partially.

"We’ll see each other," she promised. "I’ll come over here, you’ll come visit me at the dorm. It’s going to be cool."

"Yeah, and you’ll probably pick yourself up a nice, senior guy…" he teased her.

She made a face at him and swapped at his face playfully, catching his cheek. "You!" She accused, mock sternly.

He laughed, deep and sexy. He lifted his head up to catch her lips in a sweet kiss. She kissed him back lovingly and, tightening his grip around her, he rolled them over so that she was pinned beneath him.

"Well, now I’ve got you right where I want you," he laughed.

A giggle escaped her. "And just where do you want me?" She teased.

"Right here," he whispered as he dipped his head down, catching her lips once more. She responded eagerly to the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and drawing him closer to her. They moved together, loving each other, touching and tasting.

Angel brought up his hand to slide down her tank top strap and Buffy twisted to get more contact with his hand. Suddenly, they lost their balance and fell off the couch together, landing in an unceremonious heap. They looked at each other, their bodies tangled, and couldn’t help laughing. The mood was ruined, the passion dispersed.

They sat on the floor.

"You better get going," he said at last. "You’ve got to get up bright and early tomorrow for your first day of college."

She made a face. He looked at her curiously.

"What’s wrong?" He inquired.

She sighed. He always saw through her. "It’s just that it’s…big, and I’ve never been there before," she explained. "I’m sort of scared, well, not scared, more like intimidated."

He smiled reassuringly. In the face of battle, no matter whom it was that she was facing, from the weakest demon to the First Evil, she was strong and brave, without fear. But when it came to the fears of the average teenage girl, she faced them too. It was one of those ironic things that made her special.

"You’re going to be great," he promised her. "And if you have any problems, you know you can come to me, right?"

"Always," she agreed. Feeling better, she decided to change the subject, "So Willow wants me to take Psyche with her."

"And what do you want to do?"

She shrugged. "It sounds interesting," she admitted. "I just don’t know if I’ll be able to pass, I heard that it’s hard. And how will I know whether or not it will bore me to death?"

Angel gave her one of his sexy half-smiles and she almost melted. "You’ll do great in everything you try, don’t worry," he told her. "And the human psyche is pretty amazing, I think even you may like it."

"Even me?" She teased. "What’s that supposed to mean? Seriously though, tell me what you know about the human psyche?"

Angel sobered. "How to destroy it," he whispered sadly.

"Oh no you don’t!" She chided. "You are not going all broody on me. We’re here in your mansion, all alone, just the two of us and you want to moon? Well, I don’t think so!" She grinned. "Unless, of course, you want to moon me."

"Buffy!" He gaped.

"What?" She questioned innocently. "Did you want me to moon you?" Teasingly, she reached for her jeans, her hand resting on the top button. "Hmm, Angel? Is this what you want?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" He lamented, trying to keep his voice light and only half-succeeding.

"Because I love watching you squirm!"

He laughed. "You’ve got to sleep," he reminded her. "Big day ahead of you tomorrow."

"You’re no fun," she pouted. He gave her a look and she sighed. "I’m going! I’m going" She began to walk away when he grabbed her wrist and stopped her. She whirled to face him.

"Don’t I get a good night kiss?"

She grinned. "You better believe it," she replied.

She took his face in her hands and drew his mouth to hers. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her close. His tongue invaded her mouth and she gently massaged it with hers, then he returned the favour. They repeated the process until they were both (in Angel’s case metaphorically) breathless.

"I like good bye kisses," Buffy murmured once they had broken apart.

"And what about kisses hello?" Angel prompted her,

"I like those even better." She smiled.

He returned the smile. Then she turned and walked home. When she arrived at her house, she went straight to bed, changing into her pajamas and quickly falling asleep.

In her slumber she dreamt of her Angel…with him she could survive anything. Including college.

The End!

Okay, I’m thinking of making this into a fluffy series, but it all depends on how much feedback I get, so let me know what you think! All title suggestions welcome!!