~In Loving Memory~

Of Our Dear Father, Fred Liss

Dad possessed an infinite supply of unconditional love;

a love he gave freely and sincerely, with a warm sense of humor, and big bear hugs.

He treasured the love of his mother, father, and sister

and made friends everywhere he went.

He loved his wife, he loved his children,

and he loved all creatures great and small.

Dad had a love of country that was not blind.

He enjoyed a passion for history and loved WWII aircraft. His children and grandchildren enjoyed the fruits of his passion with wonderful trips to historic Philadelphia, Cape Cod, and numerous air shows. He served in the US Air Force from 1950 to 1954.

Through his life lesson, he taught his children to love one another,

and his grandchildren to love all living beings.

He loved catching all the world's wonder & beauty on film

And his family loved following along as he explored those wonders.

Thanks Mom, for choosing Dad.

Your four children and eight grandchildren
are the fortunate benefactors of your wisdom.:)