Chatsworth Hall and Park (taken on a very dull day). Chatsworth Hall is the home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and was built in 1555. There are 17 richly furnished rooms on view which are decorated throughout with painted walls and ceilings, wood carvings, elaborate inlay furniture and wall hangings of tapestry and leather. The Park was landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century and extends up to 1,000 acres. The garden contains many notable features, the Cascade, spectacular fountains, rockeries, rose garden, maze and 5 miles of walks among rare shrubs and forest trees.


Worksop showing the fair (just off-centre) and Worksop Priory (to right of fair).


Mansfield, Notts. Set in the heart of Robin Hood Country, this thriving market town is near some of the region's most spectacular scenery.



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