The Mayo! Yay!

Previous Updates

Need to know what was said in a site update that is no longer on the homepage? You are in luck! Here at The Mayo Online we don't throw anything out.

The Band

The Shows

Fab Stuff!

Tues., May 18th - Billy
Well, for those of you that are familiar with this site, you'll notice that it looks a little different. Just some re-tooling in the works to help make the site the top gear! New look and more content! Yippie!! Hopefully, this train will keep on rolling. [crosses fingers]

Tues., May 11th - Sam
2nd place at the Greensboro Battle of the Bands! Not too shabby. Next show will be this coming Saturday, the 15th, at Rabbit Hill. Be there!

Mon., May 10th - Sam
It's official, the Mayo is living the dream! Finally, the Mayo is above the law! 150 bucks from our show at Chesapeake, and 100 for getting 2nd place (out of only 3 bands...) at Greensboro Battle of the Bands! I mean... uh... but it's all about the music! Really!

Anyway, our show at Chesapeake College wasn't that great even though field day itself was pretty fun. But Greensboro rocked, despite the fact that we couldn't find funnel cake OR lemonade, which is usually in abundance at fairs. And I'm out, singing my, my, my, how the time does fly when you know you're gonna die by the end of the night.

Tues., May 4th - Josh
First off, I'd like to say a hell of a job done by Downbound Train for their show with us being they're first. I hope some people also made it out to they're second show that was last Friday, the 30th. Also, Large Mouth Bass put on a great show too. It was the best I've seen them play yet!

Playing at the Peake tomorrow, should be good fun. I'm excited, but the Greensboro Battle of the Bands looms on Saturday, and we need some practice, so Sammy, Billy... give me a call so's we can practice! :)

Also, I added a new logo/main page pic I made. Hope you like.

Tues., Mar. 23rd - Sam
The Mayo is going to be in a MOVIE!! No joke here, folks! The Mayo will be featured as both cast members (we've actually got lines!) and as a back-up band for another character in the horror movie "Swarm of the Snakehead", which is being filmed locally by Frank Lama. And on top of that, the company that distributed Sylvester Stallone's smash-hit "Judge Dredd" is thinking of picking up "Swarm of the Snakehead"! So The Mayo could be coming to your local Blockbuster! This is Sam signing off and saying, "I am the law!"

Sun., Mar. 21st - Sam
AhhhHHHHH!!! The battle of the bands at SSPP was GREAT! We dun' kicked out the jams over at SSPP, and on April 3rd we'll be back over at Rabbit Hill playing with Red Eyed Five and Top Hat Slop Cat Duo. And hopefully we'll be able to take advantage of Billy's spring break to write a few originals to show you all then... Oooooh... tasty.

Tue., Mar. 16th - Josh
Check this out!!!

We also have a MAYO buddy icon that you can download and use.

Wed., Feb. 25th - Sam
We have now just finished setting up at my house, which will get us out of the way of Red Eyed Five over at Shea Stadium. Thanks to Josh's dad, we have our own PA, so if you hear any jams being kicked out over near Saints Peter and Paul, you'll know where it's coming from.

Also, it's looking like we've got another gig coming up on March 6th. And if you're good, you might be the lucky winner of a Spiderman stuffed toy!

Sat., Feb. 14th - Sam
Here's a little update for all you 'Mayo Maniacs' out there: First off, we've learned that a stage is being built at Rabbit Hill. Not only will this make me feel a little less lonely up on the drum riser, it will hopefully also stop any wayward crowd surfers from finding their way onto Billy's mic and pedals again. I would not wish the wrath of Billy on anyone once his equipment has been messed with. The second, and far cooler, piece of news that we've recieved is that the 7 Days After Valentine's Day Extravaganza will be recorded and played once a week, every week for four weeks on WRYR 97.5! How awesome is that!?! You'll be able to satisfy your cravings for Red Eyed Five, The Mayo, and the craving that I'm sure you will develop for Felix after you hear them on the 21st with just the flip of a dial! I can't really speak for RE5 and Felix, but I'm pretty sure they'd agree with me when I say that we are in danger of burning down the tri-county area with all the hotness that will be emanating from your ra dios. Stay tuned (Get it? Stay tuned? Oh man...) for more info on the dates and times that the show will be airing. Until then, this has been your friendly neighborhood Mayo-Man.