The Mayo! Yay!

Schedule of Events

The Band

The Shows

Fab Stuff!

Keep up to date with all The Mayo's happenings! Here's a run-down of what The Mayo has approaching on the horizon. Enjoy!

Directions to Rabbit Hill from Route 50: Get onto Goldsborough St heading towards downtown. Go straight until Harrison St, then take a left. Rabbit Hill will be on your right.

From Easton Bypass: Head into downtown at the St. Michaels Rd intersection. Then take a right onto Washington St, hang a left on Goldsborough, take a right onto Harrison, and Rabbit Hill will be on your right.

Fri., May 21st - Battle Of The Bands at North Dorchester Middle School
- The Mayo is scheduled to perform at The Battle of The Bands being held at N.D.M.S. in Hurlock. LMB, Expungo, The Rest Is History, and Red Eyed Five are slated to appear as well.

Sat., May 22nd - Lunch with The Mayo
- At one of our past shows Sam threw a Spider-Man doll into the crowd. Whoever caught Spidey would win a free lunch with The Mayo. Our friend Martha got Spidey, so now it's lunch-time!

Sat., May 29th - Regular Show at Rabbit Hill
- Appearing at Rabbit Hill Music Hall. Also scheduled to appear: Lower-Class Citizen & Red Eyed Five(?).

Sat., June 12th - Regular Show at Rabbit Hill
- The triumphant return of Becca & The Smashing Young Men! It's gonna be like old times. B&SYM, RE5, and The Mayo!? Who turned back the clock to January '04? And maybe we can finally take Martha to lunch.

Wed., June 16th - All-Day: Celebrating ALL The Important Holidays ALL DAY LONG!
- The Second Annual All-Day Holiday Celebration is here! This is going to be a big day. Events are scheduled for the entire day. Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas presents, grill-firin', swimming, 4-Square, wrasslin', music, and more!!

That's all for now! Keep checking back for more details and further updates.