thanks jess.

This is the Grandma's Heroes website aka Jon's site. You've stumbled upon this site for one of two reasons: 1) you have nothing better to do, or 2) You think we're some rad dudes and wanna know more about us. Whatever the reason may be, go with it. Check some shit out, find out about our haggard lives, and skate.

Right now, we're working on a project (or the debut video of numerous individuals) that has been in production for nearly 2 years, titled NBP: We're nearing the end of shooting for it, yet there are still a few scenes being discussed. In other words, there are a few sections we don't like, so we're gonna have to do a few things. Either reshoot the scenes, or just scratch the ideas completely. Then it's on to finishing the editing, and it's almost done. So expect it...sometime. don't know when it'll be finished.

BIG NEWS!:The planning has begun for a monumental skate video that's gonna break some big rules. The title is Coadunation, and here's the's a video dedicated to the lifestyles of both rollerblading and skateboard. No more "woodpushers blow" or "fuck fruitbooters." The end of that is nearing, and I'm starting it. This is truely a unique video, because it has never been done before. check here for more on it later.

- Jon

if anyone is offended by anything put on this website, we're sorry. we don't mean to discriminate if we ever do. One last note, don't steal our pictures. If you want to use them, ask that person for permission. I don't wanna have to track you down and make you suffer. ;]
thank you. Good day.

Hoover High School should burn.h3>


thanks bam and bran.

cky crew

Ok, take a close look. Do I look like bam?