Art: We will make Thumbprint Bees. We will have construction paper, paint our thumbs yellow, then draw on the rest of the bees. Students will then dictate a sentence to the teacher to place on their paper. Content Standard: LA 31, CE 2

Postional Words: Students will place bees on the paper depending on the directions (example: Place the blue bee BETWEEN the hives). Content Standard: MA 21

Ordering by Size: Students will order bees by size and glue them on paper. Content Standard: MA 28

Sorting by Color: Students will sort bees in boxes by color and paste them in the boxes. Content Standard: MA 14

Dramatic Play: Students will act out a play about Bees (coming soon). They will determine parts, practice, and make necessary props! We will use 5 days to do this activity. We will perform for each other on the last day! Content Standard: LA 22, CE 8, CE, 9, CE 10

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!