Counting by Rote: Each student will have a large ladybug. Students will count by rote as they add dots to their ladybugs. Content Standard: MA 1

1st & Last in Series: Students will be given a paper with boxes. They must follow directions in placing their ladybugs in the boxes. (Example: Teacher says, "Place the green ladybug in the last box, place the orange ladybug in the 2nd box, etc...) Content Standard: MA 6

Matching: Students will match same dotted ladybugs. They will paste the ladybug with 3 dots next tot he ladybug with 3 dots on the page, etc... Content Standard: MA 13

Class Book: Students will make class book titled "Ladybug Life Cycle." This will take 5 days to make (for each page, the students will illustrate what the sentence says to show understanding). Book will be in the shape of a ladybug. Each page will describe the lifecycle of the ldaybug. Content Standard: SC 10, MA 22

Re-telling Stories: After reading The Grouchy Ladybug, students will re-tell the story on paper divided (like the book). Content Standard: LA 22

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