Fish Theme

Cutting Practice/Fine Motor Skills: Students will practice cutting skils by cutting to the fish. Content Standard: PD 5

Art: We will read Big Al and students will decorate their own "scary" looking fish. They will dictate a sentence to the teacher to place on their paper. Content Standard: LA 4

Matching: Students will match mommy fish with baby fish. They will paste the bavy next tot he mommy. Content Standard: MA 13

Order by Size: Students will order (paste) fish by size on their paper. Content Standard: MA 28

Positional Words: Students will place/paste fish in places depending on the teacher's directions. (Example: Place the red fish ABOVE the shark). Content Standard: MA 21

Dramatic Play: Students will take 5 days to practice and perform a play about Fish! (script coming soon)...They will practive a few days, make props one day, then perform for the other group. Content Standard: LA 22, CE 9

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