Pets Theme

Science Activities:

Read Oh, Tucker! which talks about a pet dog making a mess throughout the house. We will then talk about some pets the students have. Each child will have a paper chart with a smiley face and a smiley face with a line through it. There will be several kinds of animals cut out of magazines or clipart. Students will choose 2 pets and paste them under the smiley face, and pick 2 animals that are NOT pets..and paste them under the smiley with the line through it. Content Standard: SC 7 (Pics coming soon)

What Do Pets Need to Survive?"-Each child will categorize a set of pictures. They will paste pics that represent items that pets need to survive under the smiley face...and then things they DO NOT need under the Frowny face. Content Standard: SC 8

Math Activities:

Graphing Favorite Pets: I will have a chart with 4 columns. The children will choose between 4 pets (cat, dog, fish, hamster)...they will place it on the chart in the appropriate column. Content Standard: MA 18

1st/Last in series: I will have pets lined up in a row. Students will point to the 1st pet, then the last pet (following my oral instructions). I will then place the pets (stuffed animals) in chairs in a row. I will ask children to take a certain animal..they will tell me if they are first or last...etc... Content Standard: MA 6

Counting Pets: We will look at a book (made by teacher) and the students will individually count the # of pets they see. I will demonstrate with a story first to show them what I expect. They will dictate to me the # they counted. I will record it on the book and place in their portfolio. Content Standard: MA1

Language & Literacy Activities:

"My Pet" or "The Pet I Want" Students will draw/paint their pet..or the pet they want. They will then dictate a sentence to the teacher, which will then write the sentence on their picture. Content Standard: CE 2, LA 31

Read Pet story made by teacher (coming soon)-students will re-tell the story using pictures. Content Standard: LA 22

Read same Pet story made by teacher-have pages torn apart for each child. Have the students place the story in order (what happened 1st, next, last, etc...) Content Standard: LA 25

"Our Class Pet"- I will introduce a fish to the class as our class pet. We will vote on a name for the fish from the students. Content Standard: LA 14 - We will also discuss proper care for our pet! Content Standard: SC 8


Cute Colors