Friend From Foe

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
You try and you try but you're never gonna' find
The answers to the questions you've been searching for
If you listen closely you can hear the bodies hit the floor

Crys of war overshadow cries of pain
Sit by hopelesly under a crimson tinted rain
Your morals comprimised and your eyes stithced closed
Your judgements clouded, cant tell friend from foe

In a thousand years of war, a thousand lives are torn
A thousand bullets hit the ground, a thousand mothers mourn
The glass if half empty, but the barrel's half full
Sing along to the war chant and to the rise of the death toll


Jeffery are you listening ?
Can you hear the babies scream?
Does your heart grow weary, when the war stage changes scene
I can start this engine but i cant take this ride for you
Tell me when the moment comes, what are you gonna' do?


The clinking of the glasses and the word have been said
But no bell tolls for the innocents now dead
Dust blows through the streets and covers the fuel of war
The crimson red rivers, of those who'll be seen no more

Chorus Twice