(+: ARE We HAPPY YET? :+)

bob - 01/22/00 19:47:26
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~benny98/p1.html
My Email:benny@hotmail.com
wow! what a cool page! thnaks

lil_spirit - 01/03/00 21:07:12
Really like you page..it made me laugh,and thats the best kind of page..

Trixie - 12/30/99 19:25:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/idsuperegotrixie
My Email:idsuperegotrixie@yahoo.com
What a happy page! I love it!

Eric - 12/01/99 02:02:48
Zane!!!! Seasons greetings from everyone at the Paranoid Page!!!

Just stopping in to wish you a joyous holiday season. Johnny-No-Legs wants some new legs for Christmas but he’ll probably just get a fruitcake or something. Take care and keep up the great work.


Eric -- XOXO

Lexi - 11/10/99 09:20:22
My Email:Cheyannieg@aol.com
Love the wildlife, it's great. The only time I ever shot anything it was a HUMAN, right in the but, only because he was on our land and had his gun pointed at one of our lovely little mama deers with her baby. Thank goodness my father worked for the D.A. at the time. Great site, take are, Lexi

Jack Cobb - 10/29/99 22:30:47
My Email:i'm already here somewhere...
Hi again! Dropped by to check out the new sounds I heard about (I don't think I caught the pacadad last time through - is that like catching a pokemon?) Neat! I get a kick out of your lyrics. And, as always, this is a nifty place to visit for lighthearted laughter! You're one cool dude, Zane - give my best to the family! JC

Nami - 10/27/99 02:14:12
My URL:www.gurlpages.com/zines/nami/enter.html
My Email:nami@gurlmail.com
Kool Page!!

Bitchcat - 10/23/99 13:25:05
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Bitchcat/CATBOX
My Email:@webtv.net
thanks for signing our guestbook....funky sight you got here..... =)

David Van Houten - 10/22/99 23:07:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/zabana
My Email:dhouten@ecs-inc.com
Hello there! Cool page. :-) Keep up the great work!!!

joe bires - 09/28/99 07:22:19
hello mark just dropped by to look at the hubble. see you at work later. joe

SinClaire - 09/22/99 20:18:31
My URL:http;//tinpan.fortunecity.com/cliff/238
My Email:lynsin357@hotmail.com
Everyime I see this site I'm more impressed.Very nice photos of your family. I like how you get them to scroll over the backgound like that. I can never figure out how to do that. Talk to you later!

SinClaire - 09/13/99 01:59:40
My URL:http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/cliff/238
My Email:desireeH8red@yahoo.com
Well! How nice to see you in my guestbook saying nice things about me and my site! So I'm back to see whats new around here... You can get to "Necropolis" just by clicking on the word. I thought the links on there had all gone dead...glad you enjoyed what was there! I had fun here, as usual...you do your job very well... Take Care and come by anytime, I'll be renovating a bit!

SYI - 09/12/99 10:51:11
My URL:http://www.htmlds.com/syi
My Email:syi@htmlds.com
Hey this is a very cool site you have here Mighty Zane, a very nice use of web space if we do say so ourselves. Keep up the great work and thanks for stopping by the SYI site. Well by now Mighty Zane you've probably heard all the rumors and gossip , well let us be the first to tell you that most of them are true. Yes we here at SYI central are recieving head from anyone who is offering, and no it's not a SEX thing!!! We are looking for some photos of your HEAD, so if you have some free time stop by and visit with SYI. Come and see "what the people are saying" or take our survey. It's Rock at its Swinest! Undeniable the most fun you can have with your clothes on! SYI, Atlantic Canada's best kept secret.
"SYI, Live, Loud & Very Proud to be Canadian!"
Copyright © 1999 Steaming DilBrt Productions, Dartmouth, N.S. , Canada eh!

Walt & family Neil - 09/07/99 22:41:09
My Email:WD-MI-CJ-NY-Neil@Juno
Cool Page I finaly got on Jamie thought it was neat to see her self on the net. Also Darcel, Casie says no fair as usual. How about some pictures of the outside of the house.

SinClaire - 09/07/99 22:34:09
My URL:http://tinpan.ffortunecity.com/cliff/238
My Email:desireeH8red@yahoo.com
Looking good! Just stopping by to check it out since I haven't in awhile... Take care! SinClaire

Wendy Goldberg - 08/25/99 16:41:14
My Email:WGoldbe1@hfhs.org
BEAUTIFUL! LOVELY! CLEVER! FUN! Thank you for letting me see this warm and caring photos of a terrific couple. You both bring a lot of talents to this marriage, and the nice thing is that you do truly bring out the best in each other. Congratulations for pursuing your dreams. I'm so glad to be able to help a little here and there. It really is very satisfying to work with you, Louise and Mark. Best always-- Wendy

kev - 08/22/99 14:25:24
My Email:mad4it@aol.com
what a great party you had, you must have been off you heads to wear all them silly clothes, anyway keep up the good work. yours england the brave

Rick - 08/16/99 13:52:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/ricko
My Email:sysop@todbbs.com
Wow! Nice Site! Love your jokes. The menu selection is really nice to browse through. Please visit my site and sign my guestbook too. :)

Anders - 07/29/99 07:45:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/PicketFence/Garden/2504/index.html
My Email:anen0775@hem2.passagen.se
Hello ! I like your site very much. You have alot of things here and i coming back soon and look at everything here. Thank you for signing my guestbook. have a nice day :)

joe bires - 07/28/99 07:09:10
mark i enjoyed your vacation pictures. just thought you would like to know. see you at work later joe

Laura - 07/27/99 21:42:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/LauraLee
My Email:RadishFOL7@aol.com
Thanks for signing my guestbook! Keep smiling!

MommyAllTheTime - 07/26/99 18:26:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/byzantinelinks
Hello! I had sooo much fun at your page. If you'd like some great links & food for the soul, from a Byzantine, visit my site. Thanks. Peace.

Mark Henninger - 07/26/99 13:38:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ChristianFaithAlive
My Email:mark333@enter.net
Greetings in the Name of Lord Jesus! I hope you are finally shackled in marital handcuffs that even The Mighty Zane will not escape. At 43, I yet wonder if I will ever be cuffed. From death he did rise and will come again. Move on with him now to be ready for then.

Drew Hogsed - 07/25/99 04:49:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PantherMan10/hog10index.html
My Email:DHogsed10@aol.com
Hello!!! Great Website and thanks for visiting my website and signing my guestbook by Guest World. You have a great website here and I really like it!!! I really like the riddles you have at the beginning. Bye. Signed, Drew DHogsed10@aol.com

Penny Dre@dful - 07/23/99 21:47:08
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/zinescene/m00n
My Email:m00n@chickmail.com
Thank you very much so for tripping on into my site and taking the time to sign my g-book. Just for you, I *sMiLeD*. BE FREE!

Jen - 07/21/99 13:46:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/bubblegoose/
My Email:FoxxFyre@prodigy.net
you truly have a strange site, i like it :)

Byron Jones - 07/19/99 01:55:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/4438/bj/index.htm
My Email:pou14@yahoo.com
I like the cool riddle things.....good page!

Niosha - 07/18/99 16:52:06
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/teenklub11
My Email:totallyME@as-if.com
cool site! Thanx 4 signing my book c-yaô¿ô

FauxBEar - 07/18/99 13:12:24
My URL:http:www.oocities.org/SoHo/Coffeehouse/2777
My Email:fauxbear@yahoo.com
Your site is more fun than I deserve. Thank you.

M.F. Go - 07/17/99 06:20:21
My Email:define5@hotmail.com
cool homepage! but of course, there is always room for improvement. okay, aim for the positive side of that line! you could add jokes or something like that. funny things, you know. but then again, it's cool coz' you spent tremendous effort on the animati n. those super heroes and stuff. was that a super hero? he looks like someone from the 1930's and looks kinda creepy. well anyways, (...!!) don't forget to check out my cousin's homepage, shack attack. the addy is www.geocities. com/Athens/Olympus/5036/no yet.htm. if you have anything to say to me, feel free to send me an e-mail. keep cool!

Kirsten - 07/15/99 00:39:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/metallicakpage/index.html
My Email:nirvanaluvr@hotmail.com
I like your page a lot. I will smile more too. If it makes your job easier. ; ) Thanks for visiting my page. MI rocks!

EMMA - 07/14/99 23:47:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/EmBluff1/ems
My Email:modemmelt@aol.com
hiya its emma here great site u have - love the fun stuff (i guessed a few right :)) well come on over and see my site :* emma xxx i sees ya! im born see my page

EBluff - 07/12/99 07:03:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/EBluff/webages/home.html
My Email:EBluff@aol.com
Hey this is a different site now, that's for sure - the tune on the home page = catchy for a start, well here goes....


JACK COBB - 07/11/99 17:25:18
My URL:click on the image below
My Email:andreanocobb@mediaone.net
Retune The Multiverse

Suzi - 07/10/99 21:51:42
My URL:www.angelfire.com/mn/grungegirl
My Email:bitter_youth@antisocial.com
Hello , thank you for takin time and sign my guestbook ; i appreciate it alot . You told me to smile , i try and try and try but smiling doesnt help me anymore =( . I have been through alot of difficultys and it makes it harder to look bright on life and smile . The only right i have got left is my free speach and i used it to fight against racism , sexism , facism and violence against women and children . Well , take care . ~Suzi~

Jack Cobb - 07/09/99 18:44:34
My URL:http://people.ce.mediaone.net/andreanocobb/music.html
My Email:andreanocobb@mediaone.net
Your site is a riot! Checked out all the pages and sampled all the fun .wav songs. Did you do the various page's autoload midis too? VERY nice work... Pictures were cool too, especially the wildlife - oh, and congrats on the knot tying! Here's my best w shes to you for a very pleasant tomorrow! (That was it.)

Eric - 07/09/99 03:25:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/paranoid
My Email:Mufambo@aol.com

Howdy, you crazy, Satan talking person. Thanx for taking the time to investigate my page. Yours was great. I especially liked the photos. You took them yourself? Hey, once I was bitten by an emu!!! I was going to feed a deer a leaf at a zoo and the damn thing ran over and bit mt hand!

Jay - 07/09/99 03:00:12
My URL:www.angelfire.com/mi2/jaysplace
My Email:mr_jay56@hotmail.com
[You Must Go Here!]

Michelle - 07/08/99 06:49:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Union/1811
My Email:mpanutsos@yahoo.com
Hi! Thanks for your comments in my guestbook. Your site is very creative, with the .gif's and everything. Very cute. :-)

Kayleigh - 07/07/99 13:56:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Aurora/3255/HottestPageE.html
My Email:skayleigh@hotmail.com
Cool page!!

Kari - 07/06/99 07:22:24
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/kariznook
My Email:KariKittles@hotmail.com
Unique page! like it! check out mine!

Denise - 07/06/99 05:18:26
My URL:http://expage.com/page/dwc4life
My Email:denisee@chickmail.com
hi! this webpage is great. i was attracted to the moving letters in someone elses guestbook. i love to music and the cheetah spots in the background oh well see my page ok bye

davi - 07/06/99 03:38:53
My URL:http://sugarcube.net/a2
My Email:davi@chickmail.com
you scare me

Kirsten - 07/05/99 15:55:28
My URL:http://home.san.rr.com/repapyob/Jukio/
My Email:jukio@san.rr.com
This is your current guestbook, is it not? How come you've got so many!? That's insane. Your page is neat, but you should prob'ly try to have less animated images on your main page 'cause it takes a long time to load. Otherwise, great!

jennifer - 07/05/99 06:40:03
My URL:http://expage.com/page/superjenn
My Email:superjenn@chickmail.com
your page is super de duper educational and not to mention so interesting! i love it so much! i think i will be coming to this site everyday! you should come to my site everyday too!! have a great day! talk to you tommorrow..bye

Vampyre Goddess - 07/05/99 05:14:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/butterwulf/index.html
My Email:vxgdssxv@aol.com
Thanx for signing my page. You have a very cool page too :) *see I smiled* *Glitter Kisses* *Sparkles*

Q.J., Quinn - 06/30/99 19:02:29
My Email:MrQuinner
This is one of the best websites i've ever been to!

Setsuna - 06/23/99 18:45:54
My URL:http://welcome.to/RunicRing
My Email:smeiou@hotmail.com
Interesting site.

kim - 06/21/99 19:52:46
My Email:kimbe@bc.sympatico.ca
great page thanks for making me smile, everyone should smile lots and laugh at least once a day it is good for the soul "smiles are always free and they make a persons day so never be afraid to smile at someone, they may even smile back at you!"

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