New Year's Beverage Recipes
Alcoholic Beverages:
Wine Cooler de Cassis

- 750 ml dry to medium white wine, chilled
- 750 ml sparkling water, chilled
- one can frozen rasberry, concentrate

1.) Mix concentrate with wine until concentrate is dissolved.
Add sparkling water. Substitute your favorite flavor concentrate for the rasberry.

Island Rum Punch

- 3 cups white rum
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 1/2 cup grapefruit juice
- 1 2/3 cups pineapple juice
- 2 2/3 cups water
- 1/3 cup sugar

1.) Dissolve sugar in water. Blend with all the juices and the rum. Chill.

Holiday Punch

- 1/5 white rum
- 1/5 white wine
- 6 oz. frozen lime juice
- 6 oz. frozen lemonade
- 1 qt. gingerale
- 1 qt. club soda
- chopped oranges, lemons & limes
- large block of frozen strawberries

1.) Mix and drink slowly. =)

Poinsetta Punch
Makes 8 (6 oz.) servings

- 3 cups lemon-lime soft drink, chilled
- 2 cups cranberry juice cocktail, chilled
- 1/2 cup orange liqueur
- 1 teaspoon almond extract

1.) In a 2 qt. pitcher, stir together all ingredients. Pour into crystal globlets. To garnish, drop a few fresh cranberries into each globlet.
Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Red Punch

1.) Simmer 32 oz. of apple juice with 3 cinnamon sticks and 12 whole cloves for 10 minutes. Cool and refrigerate. Discard spices. Add 1 cup chilled orange juice and 28 oz. of 7-up or Sprite.

New Year's Eve Punch
Makes 15-20 servings

- 3 1/2 liters gingerale
- 2 quarts orange juice
- 2 oranges, sliced into rounds
- 20 maraschino cherries

1.) In a large punch bowl mix gingerale and orange juice. Place sliced oranges on top of punch and arrange the cherries on top of the orange slices.

Mock Champagne
Makes 11 cups

- 4 cups club soda
- 4 cups gingerale
- 3 cups unsweetened white grape juice

1.) Chill club soda, gingerale, and grape juice overnight.
2.) In a large pitcher, combine club soda, gingerale and grape juice. Serve immediately over ice.

Snow Punch

- 3 cups mashed bananas (4-5 bananas)
- 1 cup lemon juice
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 cups light cream
- 42 oz. 7-up or Sprite
- 2 cups lemon sherbet
- 1/3 cups flaked coconut

1.) Beat together mashed bananas, lemon juice, and sugar and chill thorougly. Pour banana mixture into punch bowl. Stir in cream. Slowly pour in 7-up or Sprite. Float spoonfuls of lemon sherbet on punch. Sprinkle coconut on top.

Frothy Lime Punch

- 8 cups pineapple juice
- 2 envelopes lime koolaide, unsweetened
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 quart lime sherbet
- 8 cups gingerale

1.) Put pineapple juice and lime drink mix into punch bowl. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Spoon sherbet into punch bowl 15 minutes before serving then slowly add gingerale. Let stand for 15 minutes.
No matter what you decide to make and/or drink this New Year's, please be safe and remember to not drink and drive, and be careful of hangovers!!