This is a continuation of my correspondence dated 
"October 10th 2000" which you can make your own 
judgment base on all previous documents or document in 

   Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802 continued pocketing 
more money monthly thinking this was free money but the 
attorney Jill M. Zuccardy committed these fraud on her 
behalf or base on her hearsay allegation, which Venante 
Leconte is not able to substantiate if brought to a 
high-level court on criminal charges for fraud.  (as we 
saw from Hon.Gerald P. Garson's action on 5/8/2000, by 
denying my attorney the right to cross-examine Venante 
Leconte credibility). Mind you this is a person with an 
expired visa and no green card.

   Besides having attorney Jill M. Zuccardy committing 
the fraud on her behalf, money which she petitioned in 
court stating needed for rent for fear of being 
destitute (7/22/99) doc# F-05271/99 were never issued to 
landlord causing a deeper fraud of two individuals.  The 
refusal to leave the apartment after willingly signing 
Kings County Housing Court papers, pocketing the money 
monthly and not issuing the landlord the due rent is 
beyond me.  I guess attorney Jill M. Zuccardy taught 
Venante Leconte a few tricks, since Venante Leconte 
ss#068-88-3802 name is not on the lease so therefore she 
will never be liable, so it's OK to pocket the money, 
not pay the landlord and stay in his apartment for free 
($950*9) $8,550 fraud.

   How attorney Jill M. Zuccardy played a little 
scenario, Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802 willingly sign 
she would vacate the apartment (10/26/99 Kings County 
Housing Court index#95002/99), but stayed in apartment  
November 1999, December 1999 (which already amounted to 
defrauding the landlord of ($950*6) $5,700.  Attorney 
Jill M. Zuccardy stated to the landlord that Supreme 
Court had overruled Housing Court decision, which was a 
lie.  The case was not presided until 1/5/2000.  How 
would it have been overruled 2-months prior?? and 
miraculously on 1/5/2000 Hon. Gerald P. Garson somehow 
overrule Kings County Housing Court final decision.  If 
there was a real emergency on Venante Leconte's behalf 
or by Jill M. Zuccardy, why did they not file an appeal 
at Kings County Housing Court, their actions are 
   When my attorney Dr. Truong made motion to stop 
garnishee that Venante Leconte and Jill M. Zuccardy 
defrauded the landlord ($950*9) $8,550 and defrauded me 
over $10,000 from attorney fees and garnishee, strangely 
enough that it's 2-3months later and Hon. Gerald P. 
Garson tries to change judgment of 1/5/2000 which had 
denied all other motion which Jill M. Zuccardy sought.  
By trying to change and changing the judgment in 
according to Jill M. Zuccardy's action no one would ever 
notice there was a fraud, but looking at all documents 
carefully there's a fraud.  What comes into question is 
did Hon. Gerald P. Garson participate in this fraud of 
decree dated April 2000 (see: Order-to-Show-Cause 
3/22/2000 #24381/99 paragraph 4,5,8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 
19, 21, 22, 23, 26,29,30) which Jill M. Zuccardy placed 
no motion for. Why was it changed, when original 
decision was already made on 1/5/2000 decree??  2-
3months later when my attorney brought to light a fraud 
was going on, all of the sudden a brainstorm idea just 
appeared.  NO, NO, NO this is a cover up.

   Please see income execution dated December 12/16/99 
from my employer ($1,100 monthly) stating they are following 
Family Court order of 8/25/99 and Supreme Court order 
11/23/99, with no judge signature or court decree how 
can they be following a court order -or- did they just
took Jill M. Zuccardy's word that it's from the court: 
   1) the 8/25/99 which was referred in the document was 
   dismissed on 11/29/99 by Family Court doc# F-5271/99,
   2) the 11/23/99 Supreme Court case which was 
      mentioned on paper was not yet presided, and when
      it was presided on 1/5/2000 all motions which Jill 
      M. Zuccardy sought were denied (see: Part V b 
      #24381/99 of 1/5/2000 paragraph 4)

   Causing a fraud of ($950*9) $8,550 which landlord 
never received and causing me over of $10,000 of being 
defrauded.  Spoke to the S.C.U. (Support Collection 
Unit), I was alerted to the fact no attorney is suppose 
to send papers to an individual's employer unless it is 
from the court and with a judge signature.  

   Please see also income execution which is date June 
6th 2000 how Jill M. Zuccardy pretended these were valid 
order when in fact the Family Court order was dismissed, 
Supreme Court Nov., 23rd 1999, and Jan., 5th 2000 was 
denied please see (Part V b #24381/99 of 1/5/2000 
paragraph 4).
    1) Family Court August 25th 1999 
    2) Supreme Court April 14th 2000, May 8th 2000 was 
    based on covering the fraud for Jill M. Zuccardy.

   How was my check being garnishee, because when the 
fraud was notice by my attorney Dr. Truong,  Jill M. 
Zuccardy claims to have spoken to the court clerk Mr. 
Rothbart, my attorney spoke to the clerk, court clerk 
Mr. Rothbart stated never having spoken to Jill M. 
Zuccardy or even remember such case.  When Dr. Truong 
phone my employer to rectify the situation, attorney 
Jill M. Zuccardy stated my attorney Dr. Truong was 
obstructing justice.  Which is ludicrous, attorney Jill 
M. Zuccardy was trying to divert my attorney's attention 
from finding out about the fraud.  Also purposely 
delayed the next court date which my attorney needed to 
make a motion about the fraud..  Finally from decree of 
1/5/2000, my attorney was able to get court date on 
April 2000 (see: Order-to-Show-Cause 3/22/2000 #24381/99 
paragraph 4,5,8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23, 
26,29,30), which Hon. Gerald P. Garson tried and change 
the original decree to cover the fraud by Jill M. 

   From the above 2-paragraphs, with attorney Jill M. 
Zuccardy idiotic thinking maybe she should take the name 
of all the decease people in New York and register them 
as active voters and on election day go to each polling 
station and vote as that individual.

   By committing this fraud this proves attorney Jill M. 
Zuccardy must have done that in the past and got away 
with it and knew no one would check the paper work.  
Claiming ignorance would not work because they knew of
the fraud and continued it. 

   Legal department of my employer stated (August 18, 
2000) my earning is being garnishee based on judgment of 
Hon. Judge Jill M. Zuccardy?? 
   The last time I appeared in court was May 8th 2000, 
which Hon.Gerald P. Garson dismissed the case. Attorney
Jill M. Zuccardy saw it upon herself submitted document
to Hon.Gerald P. Garson which would state in a divorce 
of 1yr-8months I am to pay Venante Leconte indefinetely
$1,100 and that I would not be divorced. 
Hon. Gerald P. Garson signed the document without paying 
attention or was he covering for attorney Jill M. Zuccardy.
 ---like in April 2000 Hon.Gerald P. Garson without looking
at my attorney's motion and without a motion by attorney 
Jill M. Zuccardy stated no money would be reimbursed thereby
granting a favorable judgment for attorney Jill M. Zuccardy
who did not even place a motion.
---like Hon. Gerald P. Garson denied my attorney from 
cross-examining Venante Leconte's credibility on 5/8/2000.    

  Jill M. Zuccardy was aware of the fraud and yet continued 
with the fraud, my attorney made motion to stop fraud and 
Hon. Gerald P. Garson tried to cover the fraud. 
(see: Dismissal Family Court 11/29/99 doc# F-05271/99 and 
Part V b #24381/99 of 1/5/2000 paragraph 4). 
  ---Same attorney whose signature and Venante Leconte 
ss#068-88-3802 are inscribed on the Verified Answer 
supposedly date August 7th 1999.  ---Same attorney who was
involved in the disappearance of my order-of-protection 
7/6/1999 against Venante Leconte, yet Venante Leconte 
7/22/1999 did not disappear from the folders in the 
Family Court, strange isn't it.  ---Same attorney who
told landlord in November 1999 that Supreme Court overruled
Kings County Housing Court final decision, which was in fact
a lie.  ---Same attorney who place an income execution after
Family Court dismissed doc# F-05271/99 yet landlord never 
received any of intended money.  ---same attorney who did 
not notify S.C.U., nor my employer that doc# F-05271/99 was
dismissed on 11/29/99, instead also disregarded decree 
of 1/5/2000 claiming it met to continue.  ---Same  attorney 
who stated in Supreme Court she was not aware of my order of
protection, yet visible in 3-different documents.  ---same 
attorney who stated in court that her client would be a 
public charge, her client holds a work-permit, but Jill M.
Zuccardy is unaware of the New York State Welfare Reform Law.
---Same attorney who disregarded decree 1/5/2000 did not contact
my employer to stop garnishee instead summoned the help of 
Hon. Gerald P. Garson to cover her tracks (see: Order-to-Show-Cause
3/22/2000 #24381/99 paragraph 4,5,8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22,
23, 26,29,30)

  When I alerted my attorney of the fraud 
(court date April 14th 2000) Hon. Justice Garson stated no money 
would be reimbursed and garnishee will be indefinitely, changing
the judgment which had previously denied all motions (1/5/2000 decree). 
Coinciding judgment to Jill M. Zuccardy's action in order to 
cover the fraud.

   Why they continued with the fraud I have no idea, 
mind you that I have no child with defendant, no car, no 
property, no part-least and the relationship was only 
1yr-8months(August 1997)

--Venante Leconte has any children with plaintiff??  NO
--Venante Leconte has any property with plaintiff??  NO
--Venante Leconte has a car with plaintiff??  NO
--Venante Leconte has part lease with plaintiff??  NO
--HOW long was Venante Leconte married to plaintiff??  
1yr-8months(August 1997)

   All this could have been avoided if those that are 
met to check-and-balance attorney's actions paid more 
attention instead of turning a blind eye.  

   Justice will be served, from: 
--those who stole my papers in Family Court from its 
  folder (Jill M. Zuccardy & Thomas Wong)
--those who defrauded me out of $30,000+ (Venante 
  Leconte, Jill M. Zuccardy, Hon. G.P.Garson)
--those who placed false judgments in order to cover the 
  fraud  (Hon. Gerald P. Garson)
--it is clearly those individual committed fraud, 
  racketeering, embezzlement, and theft.

   It may be hard to believe an attorney is a thief, 
fraud and a charlatan, but we must remember from Thomas 
Jefferson's "The Federalist Papers" "ALL MAN ARE 

Copies of evidence included:
-- Income Execution to my employer (sent by Jill M. Zuccardy 11/28/99) (12/16/99)
-- Income Execution to my employer (sent by Jill M. Zuccardy) (6/6/2000)
-- Kings County Family Court dismissal doc#F-5271/99 11/29/99 (3/2/2000)
-- Kings County Family Court dismissal doc#F-5271/99 11/29/99 (10/11/2000)
-- Kings County Family Court dismissal doc#F-5271/99 11/29/99 (10/18/2000)
-- Kings County Housing Court Final decision 10/26/99 doc#95022/99
-- Part V b #24381/99 of 1/5/2000 paragraph 4
-- Order-to-Show-Cause 3/22/2000 #24381/99
     paragraph 4,5,9,10,11,12,13,19,21,22,23,26,29,30
-- Check stub copies when garnishee started, allthough case was dismissed.
-- Lease Agreement between landlord and plaintiff
-- Police report #4042
-- Divorce decree
-- Testament signature of U.S. Embassy Consul General Roger Daley
-- Mandate from Consul General in New York 
