U.S. Department of Justice

Cc: Administrative Judge, Hon. Michael L. Pesce

            Thank you for your response to my correspondence.  It is clearly strange how
(Venante Lecontess#068-88-3802) an illegal alien with NO green card, and an expired
visa has won all-and-every judgment and every-court appearance from July.1999-July.2000.

            It is very apparent that it appears as if the judge has blinders.  For a CHILDLESS
relationship which only lasted a short while August.1997-May.1999, where defendant
(Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802) holds a work permit and worked before the marriage.
  Upon receiving the divorce papers at the premise of her job.  Apparently to her attorney
(Jill M.Zuccardy of Sanctuary for Families) and to the court papers, she claims she lost
her job.  It was upon the receipt of the divorce papers then she had quit her job.

            It is strange how an illegal alien with NO green card, an expired visa won every
judgment where all her statements are hearsay and unable to substantiate those claims. 
Where I’ve had four different attorneys, where within the actions of Jill M. Zuccardy and
other, some attorneys were frustated by what was happening, other attorneys removed
themselves from the case refusing to be a party to such abuse
.   Leaving me with $8,550
unpaid to the landlord which defendant (Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802) pocketed,
$20,000 in debt, orver $25,000 in attorney fees. On every court appearance, as the
Hon. Gerald P. Garson entered the court room, defendant (Venante Leconte
) gets up and leave the court room for 3-to-7 minutes and returns.

1)             Defendant (Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802) could not have gone to the
bathroom because at 210 Jorelamon Street, the court room is on the 7th floor
(passing metal detectors) and the bathroom is in the basement.  The time would
be greater than 10 minutes.

2)             Defendant (Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802) could not have gone to use the
phone, because Hon. Gerald P. Garson court room is quite a distance from public
phones, passing metal detector checks.

3)             It is clearly that upon defendant’s (Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802) return to
the court room, Hon. Gerald P. Garson appears to have blinders on.  Where from
July.1999—July.2000 all judgment appears to be in Venante Leconte
favor.  My claims, I have evidence to substantiate my claims,
it is clearly the judge appears to have blinders.

4)             Recently (December 2000)had placed a motion in order to stop the garnishee of
my earning.  Attorney Jill M. Zuccardy was aware of the court date January 17th
2001 given by Garson, how it was not until January 12th 2001 that I learned
apparently attorney Jill M. Zuccardy had advise Hon.Gerald P. Garson for a new
court date of January 31st 2001.   Probably the defendant (Venante Leconte
ss#068-88-3802) had advise attorney Jill M. Zuccardy to change the date, similar
has they’ve done before.   In order to prepare herself for the same mysterious
(that the judge appears to have blinders, where a grown woman
35yrs-old, in a short marriage, worked prior to the marriage, appears
to be collecting $1,100 bi weekly
) she has always left the court room upon
the entry of the judge

I refuse to be anyone’s ZOMBIE, where I have NO CHILDREN, in a marriage which lasted for
1yr.8months, defendant worked prior to the marriage and mysteriously every judgment appears
to be in defendant’s favor and already collected 18months worth of maintenance ($8,550 of
which landlord never received, based on Jill M.Zuccardy Affidavid, Affirmation). I did obtain my
divorce from Venante Leconte' ss#068-88-3802 home country in July.2000 which she is a
citizen of. The consulate office contacted Venante Leconte' ss#068-88-3802 at her last known
address through phone calls and mail, advising her that a mandate was sent to her, but she fail
to respond. The US Consulate General Roger J. Daley, affirms the signature and judgment to be
that of the high court from Venante Leconte home country. Jill M. Zuccardy tries to claim that it
was a unilateral divorce; it is Venante Leconte's failure not to be present in court, due to
Venante Leconte illegal status, with an expired visa, NO green card, defrauding me
financially, defrauding the landlord out of $8,550 and compromising U.S. Immigration law with the
help of Jill M. Zuccardy.
After every court appearance Venante Leconte ss#068-88-3802 with her sinister grin "YOU WILL
Wouldn't you wonder why
on May.2000 Hon.Gerald P. Garson denied attorney Dr.Truong from questioning
Venante Leconte's ss#068-88-3802 credibility during divorce trial. The NY State Attorney
General Office Consumer Fraud, The State of NY Grievance Committee, Commission on
Professional Standards and other agencies, have sent documents to Thomas J. Cahill to take
action against Jill M. Zuccardy’s conduct, you tend to wonder why he is relunctant to act.

Culpam poena premit comes!
