We have come to a point in time my friends where we live in relatively close quarters with one another in a slightly over populated world, But with this in effect there must be standards set for us to avoid continuous conflict with each other so in effect over time we build a trust that allows us to sleep at night knowing that any person at anytime if he or she decided could break this trust and bring our trust standards to a screeching halt I like to call reality. So in this state of the union known as Utah, The beehive state has it's own version of trust built up among the dwellers and every day we rely on this trust to keep everything flowing smooth and quiet but from time to time there is a person or organization who breaks this trust to try to prove to everyone that the way they do things is in fact the right way and they will take actions to disturbing levels to try and build ground for the belief they wish to support. I say this because I my friends and foes that I, Spajeoly, have found such a break of trust in the state of Utah, I know not of witch other states may have a hand in this or if they have similar breaks of trust but that has no ground for the FACTS that I am about to point out to you. After years of hearing rumors and complaints about this subject I have done some investigating into this subject and the result are astonishing and disturbing. The first complaint I heard from numerous people was that they couldn't understand the whole idea behind people who pay tithing to their church and what would posses some one to spend so much time on something so profitless as religion, Well I did some snooping around the mormon temple in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. Since I myself have no mormon background except for when I was taken to a ward in salt lake witch I will not disclose the name of (unless someone wants to know) I was only 4-5 years old and have little memory of the things they tried to teach me and the rest of this primary class, I had to lie to get into these places so I could snoop around so I had to hide my hair and piercing from the guards just inside the gates of the outer walls. While snooping around the temple grounds I didn’t find anything too suspicious I thought that it was a quiet well-built place of worship or whatever else one would want to use it for. Next I started questioning people both mormon and Non-mormon to see what their views on certain things were and I was disturbed to find that very few and almost NO Mormons drink any beverage that contains caffeine, This was an intriguing development, I immediately went to the library to look up all medical documents on this drug and its effects on the human mind. I found that among all of the profound effects on the brain caffeine also increases the alertness of the individual who consumes it therefore making the person think more rapidly and thoroughly, So more or less caffeine is a good thinking drug. I was astounded at this, So I started thinking, Why deprive anyone of this wonderful drug? Well I can see one wanting to keep themselves clean and pure inside but these are people who need to rely on thinking every day at their places of work so I was more intrigued to get to the bottom of this. I learned in the surveys that I already was aware of though, That smoking is a big “don’t do” in the mormon religion so I looked into smoking, Now since I used to smoke myself I knew that it was a stress reliever and appetite suppressor but I wanted to know more about the effects on the human brain and it’s functionality I found that once the addictive properties of nicotine take their place in the brain, Every time that you smoke a cigarette your brain is drowned in endorphins that cause a pleasant, Relaxed mood, You could even call it a personal bliss. So besides for reasons of lung cancer and heart disease and all the bad of smoking I figured there had to be more than meets the eye here. Alcohol was my next target for this investigation. What could the downs possibly hold against the ups here? I mean alcohol as a drug is very legal for useage in private and public use and it is nothing more than a drug that inhibits the brains ability to make coherent decisions in most situations But, When used with regulation and care it’s effects on the body are more than any drug other then alcohol can do. By drinking one glass or so of an alcoholic drink per day you reduce your overall chance of heart disease and or a heart attack and even quiet possibly a stroke while lowering blood pressure. I will admit that no one likes to deal with a drunk that goes to the extreme every time he/she drinks but once you look past all that and see that alcohol while doing all this allows someone to have an extremely good time and blow off steam, have a reason to act stupid. Although I do not drink so I am taking others word for this and my reasons for not drinking are quiet personal and have nothing to do with religion or the bad effects of alcohol as the other drugs that I do such as caffeine more than make up for the down side effects of alcohol. But after all this above there was more evidence of something out of place so next I was off to the new library at BYU. While at BYU’s library I was mostly looking for old and new documents written by president Hinckley I was disappointed to find that I found very few that made any sense I started asking around and was quiet pleased at the rudeness of the librarians, They acted like I had no business there what so ever. So I then just started doing my own thing and wandered around reading signs looking for anything that might help me out in my newly named quest. SO I went to the bottom level of the new library because I know that secrets and secret room are for some odd reason ALWAYS on the bottom level, Even in the movies. So I checked around for obvious clues and secrets such and such. I went down 2 flights of stairs to the bottom level and came to a room that the stairs are directly in the middle of the room I looked around for anything out of the ordinary and I turned left and went towards the back of the room. In the back corner about 5 feet from the wall and about 4 feet from the floor there were two patches in the woodwork that were cleverly hidden. Upon fiddling with them I heard a click on a door in the forward right hand corner of the room so naturally I went over there to investigate. Well I was surprised to find that the set of doors that were once locked were no longer locked so naturally I went in to check it out and found myself in a white hallway, There were many doors in this hallway and after searching around I found a door that looked like no other, It had a numeric 10 digit keypad and a temperature and humidity censor on the wall next to the door. I assumed that the temperature were that of the room on the other side of the door. There was also a window in the door that showed a glimpse beyond the barrier. There was an eerie yellow glow in this room witch seemed very odd at the current time to me. Call it luck or gods will I started pushing numbers and then started following a common algorithm in encrypting E-mails and after about 10 minutes I heard a click, No way I thought to myself but yes in fact the secret door was now unlocked and free to be examined by yours truly. When I went inside the room there was an eerie chill to it and inside was a white type of metal file cabinets, upon opening these filing cabinets there was white folders containing old church documents. I didn’t have time to read them all but from what I gathered it was scary. I read all about these drugs such as caffeine and alcohol and their effects on releasing endorphins into the human body and how these endorphins had a tendency to alter the effects of certain other drugs on the human body and there within was a set of drugs to not let “Recipients” take while wanting to be influenced by this drug. What drug? I thought to myself. So I dug in deeper within these files and found the chemical analyses for a compound that makes people susceptible to suggestion. Holy Shpit I thought, What was the use of such a drug? After digging in deeper I found a layout of the new conference center downtown and the mechanical design of some type of engine or something close to it as far as I could ascertain. So I “Borrowed” this layout of the new conference hall, And worked my way out of the place setting things back as I found them and wiping any place I might have left finger prints, Although this seemed odd to other people in the library I continued and left to the new conference hall. When I arrived there I found it to still be mostly under construction, Perfect for me as I simply acted as if I was just another worker on the job site. I entered through the farthest south door on the east side of the building, Upon entering I had a few choices, Straight led to the auditorium, No use for that so if you take your first left I looked and saw the elevators, No too new a building to be up there I thought. The second left I took because of the stairs going down. I followed the stairs down to the third level parking and I now found where I was on the layout I borrowed from the BYU library. On the northern side of the parking lot there was a bunch of doors, I went through the furthest door on the east side and found just what was in the drawing. Some sort of engine or some contraption that seemed to be some type of generator except for the fact it had 4 pipes leading out of it into the ceiling of this small room. Out of curiosity I followed them up real quick and they led all around the building in smaller pipes roughly ¼ of an inch wide except for two that led straight into this massive organ in the main auditorium. How odd I though, So I returned to the contraption and investigated further and found it had something that no other air compressor or generator I ever seen. A little resivoir that seemed to house some sort of liquid that was mostly clear but had a kind of dark yellow tint to it. Out of extremely stupid curiosity I took a bit and took a small smell thinking it was ammonia. Well imagine my surprise when I found my self as if I was tired but could not sleep, Happy but could not celebrate. It was the strangest sensation I had ever felt in my life. It was trance like and made me kind of sick for a couple of days! So I got to thinking as I left this place. If this small amount had that much of a profound effect on me why was it set to go through the organ and other parts of the building in a vaporized state?! In fact I did not stop feeling the effects of this substance until my stomach stopped hurting and I drank down some caffeine and within about an hour my mind felt clear as ever. I am sharing this little bit of info because I found it very disturbing and it scares me to be disturbed. What was this substance being used for and what does this mean? Are the founders of this religion or even of this state using chemicals to alter people’s minds and make them susceptible to suggestion and then planting in their minds about how good a life they live by following this religion? Well that’s my theory on this evidence and I have since sworn that I will never again step foot in an LDS building and have always urged my friends on the evidence to do the same. Luckily so far I haven’t found any non-LDS buildings to be infected with this device and I hope that it will stay that way. Good day people.

This article was posted on the following site on 02/22/01:

Email address for the person that posted the article: Spajeoly@hotmail.com