YOU WANT OUR MAG! YAY! You sure got a pretty face!
Well, good. No Trespassing wants you, too...and Nerdcore will do everything possible to make sure that the blessed union of Nerd and Magazine happens quickly and efficiently.

If you want a magazine, and we're sure you do, it's easy.

The first two issues are/were free. If you can find someone handing them out, it's no charge. Hurray for you YOU THIEF! After that, the pricing is simple:
If you are near somewhere where Nerdcore people are distirbuting them, the price is 75 cents. Cheap, eh?
If you don't have anyone giving them out near you(And you probably don't), then you need to contact us and request it shipped to you. We will mail single issues, but the price is $1.00 to cover S&H and printing.
The MUCH better deals are subscriptions! You can order a 6 issue subscription or 12 issue subscription. The prices are:
$5 for 6 issues
$10 for 12 issues
Both good deals, and subscribers get extra goodies, plus we like them better. Keep in mind, all money we get goes right back into the mag, not our pockets...we're striving to get this to a level where it's free, and we just need a bit of funding to reach that point.
If you want a subscription, e-mail us with the request and we'll get back to you with all the information you'll need.

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