Links that you should waste your time on...

Muffin Films...definitely funny when high, or when not. Submitted by John
Fat chicks. In party hats. Go there for an instant ego boost. Submitted by Ana
The Porta-Shitter Bandits, a crew of "neo-nihilist, anarcho-syndicalist, phreakers" who have pulled off some damn funny stunts. Check em out!
The Internet Simulator Game. Make sure your speakers are on...this is the funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time. Submitted by John
Music Videos...weird music videos. Consisting Entirely of Kittens. Enjoy! Submitted by Ana
Leave Gary Coleman alone! Lots of info, and his home address so you can write him!
When Pong attacks...submitted by Sephiwind
Kill Jigglypuff. You know you want to. Link submittied by Chris
Genjitsu Manga. A really good online comic; check it out or we'll mock you a second time!
Go screw w/ the "Heywood Haters", a club dedicated to hating the owner.
Curtis Lee Jones, 3l337 super h@x0r. You PLA guys already know this one well.
Huzzah! Wizzywig collectibles has All Things Domo-Kun for sale!
Adbusters is one of Rob's favorite mag's, and the hub for all activists and culture jammers.
...and while you're at it, make a South Park you!
Make your own LEGO figure! Rob suggests making a Borg, Hacker, or Batman!
Ouchy The Clown. The Most Disturbing Thing EVER.
Video clip of Coleman talking about child molesting. From UGO