NXWRLD was not formed to inspire worship, it was actually born OF worship! A worship opportunity with the students and faculty of the esteemed Memphis Theological Seminary  brought John, Steve and Unca_Bry together and quickly led to another worship opportunity on the University of Memphis campus at the Wesley Foundation. Ironically, Steve was unable to make it and John and Unca_Bry soldiered on as a two-man outfit armed only with the Holy Spirit and their guitar collections! Once Steve joined the ranks, the three seminary students looked to the offspring of a fellow MTS student, Love-Muffin, to be the drummer of this motley crew of Lutherans and Presbyterians and Methodists (oh my!). The band has since branched out into playing for various groups and events while maintaining a grasp on its praise and worship roots.

So what's up with the name? Can't you guys spell?

The name of the band has a theological edge. It is EZ to read, but is not missing the vowels just to look cool. As you may know, when God inspired the words of the Bible, it was often written down by scribes as a prophet or apostle spoke. These scribes, like modern stenographers, would often leave out the vowels to help them keep up. This is the basis for Unca_Bry's claim that the name is "old school"!

Anyway, we can't spell!

Click on the picture of the band member for more on the guys and more will be added once they get around to describing themselves!
unca_bry's bio