The Odyssey
The Philosophes
One man's tale of his battle against the God's.
Character analysis: and summary of story
1.Laertes, King of Ithaca and married to      Anticleia,a great fighter in his youth, purchases a slave-woman,Eurycleia
2.Laertes and Anticleia have a son. He is named Odysseus by his grandfather Autolycus, and lookedafter by Eurycleia Odysseus is raised with his   his younger sister Ctimene  and another family slave  Eumaeus. Laertes trains  Odysseus is husbandry.      On a boar-hunt with Autolycus' sons, he is badly       wounded in the thigh.
3.Odysseus loves hunting,especially with his dog   Argus. When he is sent on a mission to Messene he meets Iphitus,son of Eueytus,who gives him a special bow as a gift. Odysseus uses this in Ithaca
but takes it nowhere else.
4.Odysseus becomes the wise and gentle King of       Ithaca and marries Penelope, daughter of the Spartan King Icarius. He builds their bedroom and constructs a bed around the bole  of an olive-tree.
5.Although not eager to join the expedition to Troy,
Odysseus does so just after his son Telemachus is     born. An omen accompanies his departure. As he leaves, he tells Penelope that, if he does not return,    she is to remarry when Telemachus comes of age. He leaves a mentor (or Laertes?)in charge of the   palace
6.Odysseus has various adventures in Troy, other heros are killed (Achilles,Ajax,Patroclus,Antilochus);
Troy falls to Odysseus' wooden-horse trick.
7.The Greeks depart for home,and various adventures fall unto them. Nector King of Pylos,arrives home safe and soon.the lesser Ajax is dorwned assume for his capture/rape of Cassandra at Athene's shrine in Troy,though Homer never mentions this.Menelaus, husband of Helen, has adventures at sea for eight years especially in Egypt.Agamenon, leader of the expidition, arrives home in Argos to be killed by Aegisthus, lover of his wife Clytaemnestra; his death is avenged by his son Orestes eight years later. Odysseus has one false start leaving Troy before he eventually sets off.
8.For three years he is blown around the mediterranean, experiencing adventures with the Cicones, the Lotus-eaters, the Cyclops Polyphemus
(son of Poseidon, whom he blinds)
Aeolus the wind-god, the giant Laestrygonians(which detroy all the ships but his own) and the witch Circe, who sends him to the underworld(while in the Underworld Odysseus consults the seer Teiresias in order to find out how to return home.he meets the ghost of his mother Anticleia, various celebrated women, some dead companions from Troy (Agamemnon,Achilles, and Ajax) and sees other heroes in torment.
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9.When he leaves Circe, he listens to the song of the Sirens, escapes Scylla and Charbdis and finally arrives on Trinacia,the island of the sun-god.There his men refuse to heed Odysseus' warning not to eat the sun-gods cattle. His last ship is destroyed in the subsequent storm at sea,and Odysseus alone survives,being swept away to Ogygia,the island of the demigoddess Calypso,where he is marooned for seven more years.
Information stated is from Homer The Odyssey translated byE.V.Rieu revised by his son D.C.H. Rieuin consultaionwith Dr. Peter V. Jones University of New Castle Upon Tyne Copyright 1946 and Copyright 1991 Published by the Penguin Books ltd.England
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