That Fateful Day...
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8:45am:  A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston     Massachusetts, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center.  The building immediately caught on fire.

9:03am:  A second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashes into the South Tower of the World Trade Center and explodes.  The South Tower caught on fire.

9:10am:   President Bush Is in Florida reading to children in a classroom.  This is when he learned of the attack.

9:17am:  The Federal Aviation Shut down all New York City airports.

9:20am:  The FBI investigates reports of planes being hijacked.

9:21am:  The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey orders all bridges and tunnels in the New York  area closed.

9:30am:  President Bush, Speaking in Sarasota, Florida says the country suffered an "apparent terrorist attack."

9:40am:  The FAA halts all flight operations at U.S. airports.  This is the first time in United States history air traffic all over the United States has been haulted.

9:43am:  American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon.

9:57am:  The White House evacuates.

10:05am:  The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.

10:08am:  Secret Service agents armed with automatic rifles are deployed into lafayette Park across from the White House.

10:10am  United Airlines Flight 93, also hijacked, crashes into Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

10:13am:  The United Nations building evacuates, including 4,700 people from the headquarters building and 7,000 total from UNICEF and U>N> development programs.

10:28am:  The World Trade Center's North Tower collapses.

10:45am:  All Federal office buildings in Washington evacuated.

10:46am:  U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell cuts short his trip to Latin America to return to the United States.

10:48am:  Police confirm the plane crash in Pennsylvania.

10:53am:  new York's primary elections, scheduled Tuesday, are postponed.

10:54am:  Isreal evacuates all diplomatic missions.

10:57am:  New York Governor George Pataki says all state Government offices are closed.
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