Ronald McDonald is a Clown
Article 4: November 1, 2006

Okay, so we all know McDonald's food is bad for you and don't have to eat it if you don't want to - that's a resonable argument, but the fact that the advertising saturates (choice pun, I know) our daily life and that the advertising in question is aimed at kids to get them hooked on this shitty diet from an early age, is not fucking reasonable in the slightest but is actually quite fucking sinister. Sinister turns quickly into creepy when you see their mascot: a clown. Literally. Most clowns don't broach the subject of cardiac arrest, and this one certainly fucking won't.

After the success of the brilliant Super-Size Me, McDonald's shat the proverbial brick (something most of its customers had been doing literally for some time) and introduced a new range of "healthy" foods. The irony is that their salads contain more fat than one of their fucking cheeseburger shit-fests. Sometimes I wish I were making this up.

Why would anyone in their right mind choose to eat glorified cardboard under harsh lighting, surrounded by the cast of Rugrats who have chosen at that exact moment you sit down to have sugar-induced convulsions?

That's right: nobody in their right mind.

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