Riddles, Puzzles, Games, Labyrinth, Enigma, Questions, Problems, Conundrum, Poser

The Rules

1. Each page contains a puzzle whose answer will become part of the key to the final gate opening to the stone. Once you have solved the riddle, add it to the previous parts of the key in the URL bar to find the next clue.

For example, if the answer to the first clue was 'answer' you would enter the following URL:


If the second answer was 'unknown' you would then enter:


And so on till you find the stone.

2. A few important points:

~ The key will always be the shortest possible way (no spaces) of stating the answer. For example, don't enter 'theletterq', enter 'q'.
~ Always enter the key in lowercase only.
~ Enter numerical answers as numbers; don't include the decimal point.

3. The quest is over when all the stones have been found. You must find the truename of each stone, which is always contained somewhere in the page you download, and decipher the final 'Mystery of the Names' to complete the quest.

4. The time limit for the quest is 6 weeks from opening day.

5. I have no time to waste with false prophets. As such, you will only be allowed one guess at the final solution per week. Be positive before you postulate. Answers may be submitted to: The Philosopher Stone

6. As to how you find your answers, there are NO restrictions. First one to the line wins regardless if that goal was obtained by honest toil or through a complete lack of integrity. The prize is all that should concern you!



Riddles, Puzzles, Games, Labyrinth, Enigma, Questions, Problems, Conundrum, Poser