

The fierce hunter in his natural habitat...

Ademetus: A background cat who has no solo lines (at least not in the video. If he has solo lines elsewhere, then good for him!). In London, Ademetus plays the Great Rumpus Cat during the Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles, but on Broadway the GRC is played by Alonzo. Personally, I think his makeup is kinda nifty, in that skull-ish kind of way...In the actual London production, though, the Ademetus in the video is Plato or something, I think...I'm not sure on this one, so if you could clarifiy whether or not the Ademetus in the video is really Ademetus, please tell me!!

If any of you cool Ademetus-worshippers has a website devoted at least partly to Ademetus, then I'd be happy to put up a link to your site here! C'mon, there has to be someone out there with a website devoted to Ademetus!! I know you're out there... Just send me the address, and I'll put your website here for all to see!