Bustopher Jones


Toodle pip!

Bustopher Jones is 'The Cat About Town', as noted in his song. He is a very (very, very, very) large cat, supposedly 'A 25 pounder!', and goes around town to all the best resturants. He is part of the upper crust of cat society, so to speak, and is quite possibly related to Quaxo/Mistoffelees, as they have the same tuxedo markings. He may be the mate of Jennyanydots, but it is more likely that they are good friends (because I am a big Jenny/Skimble 'shipper :-D). Bustopher is well respected among the adults of the Tribe, and even the kittens have some respect for the 'St. James' Street Cat'.

Even though it's completely improbable, if someone DOES have a website to the St. James' Street Cat, then just send me the address and I'll link you! But, as I said before, I seriously doubt the existence of a fansite for ole Bustopher.