Gus: The Theatre Cat


Telling of his life as a theatre cat...

Gus is an old cat who has lived his entire life as a theatre cat. He is fond of telling of his life as a theatre cat, touring the world, and thinks that kittens these days are never trained properly (sounds a bit like a Grandfather, doesn't it?). According to him, he was incredibly famous, especially when he made his debut as Firefrorefiddle, the Fiend of the Fell. He claims he is not too old, and that he could 'do it again'. He reenacts the story of Growltiger and his lady-love, Griddlebone, much to the delight of the kittens, who hold immense respect for him.

As much as I doubt the existance of a website for our very own theatre cat (sniffle), if there is one, then simply send me the address!!