

Ooh, aah! How cute!

Mistoffelees is the magician of the tribe, and posesses amazing magical powers, which he uses to bring back Old Deuteronomy from Macavity. Some people think that he and Quaxo (right) are different cats, although I don't. It's too confusing for me to think of them as two people. Mistoffelees is a black cat with fur that sparkles when he's using 'his singular magical powers'. He often plays tricks on his family, such as hiding their silverware and disappearing from the garden to the roof, when he's really in the hall. Mistoffelees is an amazing dancer, and is able to to twists and turns, and (although they cut it out in the video), the 'conjuring turn', which is where he spins around on his toes 20-40 times.

Misteazer's Junkyard