Jerry: Welcome to my show! Today we have a good show in store for you! It's when good relationships go bad! Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake are here today because they want to put it all out and tell one another they are cheating! ::motions towards door:: Britney come on out!
Britney: ::wiping mouth from previous blow job she gave the producer:: (in a hickerish tone) hi jerry! ::crowd boos::
Jerry: Hi Sexy-uh I mean Britney ::winks at her:: tell us how did u get here?
Britney: Well at first the producer wouldnt let me on the show but after a good blo--
Jerry: UH BRITNEY! I mean why are you here?
Britney: OH! ::giggles:: well, you see Jerry, Justin has been ignoring me and not giving me the love I need! I MEAN HOES NEED LOVE TOO!::twirls hair:: HEH! but like, ya know Im cheating on him anyways! with my cousin Chad!::crowd goes wild chanting "insest! insest!::
Jerry: When we come back we will have Justin come on out. ::cuts to commercial while Jerry gets a quick blow job in from britney::
Jerry: ::zips up pants:: Welcome back we have just found out that Britney is sick of Justin's crap and is here to tell him that she has found someone else! HER COUSIN, CHAD!!!!Justin come on out!
Justin: Wha da deal Bitch! ::crowd cheers and begins chanting "bitch! Bitch!:: Wha yo skank ass got me on the show for???? Nah mean don't let me get crunked!
Britney: Well Ju Ju ::spreads legs:: maybe we could make up??::crowd draws back in disgust::
Justin: HELL NAHZ YA STANK ASS CHICKEN HEAD!::crowd cheers::
Britney:Well IM CHEATING ANYWAY! like he gives me the love I need and deserve! YA KNOW and like he pleases me::touches herself:: ::someone throws up::
Justin: Who'z yo ass cheatin on ma with? I swear if it's anyone from Nsync Imma bust ya ass!
Britney: ha..ha you already busted my ass!::someone in the crowd passes out from being too sick:: but Chad busted my ass last night!::someone screams and runs for the exit::
Justin: WHA??? no ya nasty skank bitch ass aint cheatin on me with YA CUZIN! yo! tha some nasty ish! nah mean
:: Chad rushes over to Justin and slaps him and a fight breaks(just a bitch one with a lot of slapping and scratching and hair pulling damn these guys are sissies) out while Britney just stands there looking confused and stupid::
Body guards breaks up the fight
::everyone sits down::
Justin: I'z dought dat be yaz cuzin?
Britney: ::giggles:: "he is...."
Justin: Well...I got something for you too!
Britney: Abortion money??? ::gets all happy:: becuz I am pregnant but I dunno who the daddy  could be lemme see.....You, Chad, ummm..Joey, JC, hee hee..Lance, Chris, oh maybe it could be that guy from one of my concerts that paid me.....hmmmm oh yea or it could be yours Jerry
Justin: FUCK DAT YO! I'z got me a gurl on da side her name be.....CHRISTINA!
Britney: ::bout to cry:: I thought you loved me! Chad and all them is just sex to me! and all the other 3 thousand and some guys meant nothing! CHRISTINA AINT NOTHING! I am wayyyy better than her!
::Christina's bony ass jumps out and rips out britney's hair extensions::
Britney: AHHHHH my hair!
Christina: It aint yours NOT NO MORE!
::Britney pulls at Christina deprived looking hair and yanks out her extensions::
::Christina slaps that 12 pounds of make up off her face::
Britney: NOOOOOOO now everyone can see my ugly face!
::Everyone in the crowd shreeks:: and the body guards decide to put a paper bag over her head
Christina: JUSTIN! what the fuck are u doing with this fat ass bitch?
Justin: I'z gonna tell ya but nah mean----
::Christina jumps at Justin bodyguard grabs her::
Christina: Fuck that! I'm cheain on your ass too!
Justin: Wit WHO??
Christina: JC! you know ur fellow nsyner! I always had something for him since MMC....
Jerry: Cmon out JC!
JC: hey man, yo ur bitch britney was all over my ass last night!
Britney: LIKE OMG! who turned the lights out??? Where is like, everyone, ya know??? I can't see shit! I cant even see where JC is and I found him perfectly fine in the bar last night!
:: Body guard takes bag off britney's head::
Britney: ya thats better!
Jerry: Well Jc don't you have a confession to make to Christina?
JC: Yes, Jerry I do! Christina you know I love you but...I have to tell you something
Christina: what?
JC: Justin this includes you...
Justin: ::Looking pissed off:: 
JC: Well.....I've been pimping Britney so I can support my drug habbits!
Britney:: ::looking around:: the lights are so bright
Christina: Shut up u dumb bitch!
Justin: Britney???
Britney: yea! hee hee
Justin: is that where u been bringing my fucking money?? you low life skank!?
Britney: Yup and JC buys his crack with it!
Jerry: I think we should jump to the final thought!
::Background a big brawl is breaking out flying chairs, hair swinging, cussing, and tearing off clothes and more and more secrets are revealed::
Jerry: It doesn't matter how much of a creep slut u r or how much money u get paid for it! All that matters is that ur gettin paid! It doesn't matter if ur pregnant and don't know who the daddy is as long as ur gettin the abortion money! Until next time...Take care of yourself and each other!
::Crowd cheers::
Britney and Justin on