What I Would Do
by Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D. of Medical Toxicology

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This document focuses on a broad range of diseases and what nutritional supplements the author would use to help the body heal itself. This document lists hundreds of diseases in alphabetical order. A simple recommendation of some of the finest nutritional supplements in the world accompanies each disease. It is recommended that in addition to the supplementation of nutritional products that the reader conscientiously prioritizes and utilizes the principles found in the ESSENCE of Health.

The intent of this document is to provide an educational foundation for the ESSENCE of Health. In this document, the word essence is defined as the “initial foundation”, meaning the initial foundation of health. Each letter in the word ESSENCE stands for the following health principles:

ESSENCE of Health

E- eat
S- supplement where there is a deficiency
S- sleep
E- exercise
N- naturally hydrate with water
C- cleanse
E- exclude the harmful

These principles are the seven cornerstones of a healthy foundation. The person that wisely and consistently works at these disciplines will build a healthy foundation of life.

The essentials for health and prevention are found in the Essential Health Pack.

The Essential Health Pack should be taken daily and consists of the following:

Green Barley: For cleansing the digestive system.
DailyGuard: A daily vitamin mineral and phytonutrient.
VIVA Shield: To detoxify the blood and cells. (antioxidant)
FloraGuard: Normalizes intestinal flora, and promotes immune function.

Please do not use this document to diagnose or prescribe. If you have health concerns, please contact your health care professional.

The information contained in this document is intended for educational purposes only. The information contained in this material is based upon the research, personal and professional experience, and opinion of the author. The information is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your health care provider. Consult your health care provided regarding the applicability of opinions or recommendations pertaining of your physical health, symptoms and medical condition.

This document lists diseases in alphabetical order and suggests beneficial products for each. Each disease has the following three sections of recommendations: Cleanse, Essential and Options.

This document recommends cleansing products for the appropriate diseases. These cleansing products may be preventive, moderate, strong, intestinal or anything appropriate for the disease, because we have accumulated toxins from many sources such as the air, food, water, environment, and from fermenting foods that do not pass through our intestines rapidly enough. These are some of the reasons that toxins accumulate in our bodies and cause disease. For these and other reasons, it is important to cleanse our intestines, skin, organs, blood and any other tissue that has become over burdened with toxins. By cleansing on a regular basis we reduce toxins and the burden placed on our immune and digestive systems. This allows our immune system the extra ability to prevent and eliminate disease. This is why cleansing is the first and most important step in preventing disease.

The next section for each disease is listed as “Essential”. This is the section that prioritizes the essential (defined as the basic, fundamental, rudimentary, necessary or required) products needed to prevent the respective disease.

The last section listed in each disease is a summary of optional products and is called “Optional”.

Another important listings in this book is the Dosages of each product. There may be a wide range of doses that might be beneficial, and every person reacts differently to the given amount. For this reason, the doses listed are merely suggestion of what has been most beneficial. It is not always the case, but there is cause to give mild, moderate and severe disease doses, depending on the severity of the disease state. In general the following doses are given depending on the severity of disease:

Disease State Amount of Product Suggested
Mild/preventive As recommended on the label.
Moderate Twice the amount listed on the label.
Severe Three times the amount listed on the label (severe disease states usually only last for a about two weeks in most cases)

The Product names contained herein are trade names, registered trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of Viva Life Science.

- Caution, knowledge and wisdom should be used when recommending high amounts of products.
Your medical professional should be the primary source of diagnosing disease.
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Last modified: 01/26/05