Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Boobs I say, boobs
I walked through the halls
Eating plastic fish
I happen upon a Genie
She says to make a wish
I looked at her
She looked at me
One time at band camp
My dog has fleas
I said “Miss Genie
I want a cake!”
And she baked me a cake
Because that’s what women do
And pies
I like pies
Bill Clinton lies
As I walked along some more
Eating the nummy cake
I walked into my friend
Holy fuck was he baked
That’s the end of my story
I hate Goths and hippies
When you see them
Kick them in the ass

Oh my God! That poem fucking OWNED. No one writes better fucking poetry than me. Robert Frost ain’t got nothing when going against my SK1LLZ0RZ.

Someday soon I’ll write another rant…someday…*gets a dreamy look in his eyes*
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