Hello , and welcome to the new digimon /cat site , which l am  trying to create.The idea is that there will be cat/like creatures that have attacks , and can talk. These creatures have nick names that their owners call them , and real names that they keep as a secret. I have already started with the names gatagatamon , kabmon, and yamon, which are there nick names that they have called themselves.Now if you have been to my page before then you may of read some of the stories that l have made up. I am going to continue writing stories , and if you any ideas you can email me .
If you are wondering what l am going to name this new idea , the answer is that l do not know , and that l would like
YOU to email  me , saying what you think a good title is , and why.
Now  look around and enjoy yourself!

Welcome to These are My Digmon!
Kabmon: l bet that they don't know that l am the best cat/like creature of all!
Gatagatamon:You ? Oh, come on they have better sense then that !
Kabmon :What do you mean they have better sense then that? They would have to be crazy not to think that l was a queen!!
Gatagatamon:(laughing) You a princess???(laughs)I can't believe that!I mean everyone knows that l am Queen Gatagatamon !
Yamon: Oh no! This doesn't look good!
Kabmon: You have got to be kidding me! I mean everyone
knows that you can not be a queen , because you are too fat!
Gatagatamon: You take that back!
Kabmon : Never !
Yamon:Everyone step back!This isn't going to be pretty!
Katie:Enough both of you these people want to look at this site , and not see you two fight!Now say sorry.
Thing to read and look at:

Gatagatamon's pictures!
Gatagatamon's Rant House
Gatagatamon's embrassing nick names
Gatagatamon's page of Truth
Gatagatamon's Hates
Gatagatamon's Diary
What this page would look like if Gatagatamon could design it!
Kabmon's Embrassing Nick Names
Kabmon's Favorite things

Katie's Stuff
Katie's Nicknames believe it or not !
Yamon's Poems
Yamon's Secrets
Yamon's Nick Names

And more to come!
Kabmon's Pictures
Kabmon's rainbow star cloud