Traveling in Japan with the Sitzman's

We were English teachers in Japan on the JET Program; Suwa city in Nagano prefecture was our home away from home. It's centrally located, two or three hours from Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya, on the shores of beautiful Lake Suwa.
We came to Japan in July 1999, and left in July 2000. Our year in Suwa was incredible, and we miss all our friends a lot. We have returned to our home in Austin, Texas, where alison is teaching Kindergarten at a local school, and I am attening the University of Texas. Adapting back to life in the US has been a bit crazy, but we'll make it. I've stopped bowing, and am driving on the right side of the street consistantly... all good stuff. This site was made to chronicle our year in Japan, and it does that pretty well i think, so look around and see what it was like. I know there are a couple weeks that i need to finish, and i will get to those when i have a minute. Also, if you haven't already, you've gotta check out our Thailand web page!
Please meet the newest member of our family, Abigail. -October 24, 2001

Darius' Schools
Alison's Schools

Is there any God beside me? No, I know not one.

Isaiah 44:8

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