Tourette's Syndrome
By Melissa Leikam
Copyright © 1998, All Rights Reserved

Have you ever noticed how you don't get anything for free these days? You have to pay for everything....sure, maybe not with actual money, but in some way, you pay for it! I don't know why, but I even have to pay for things I didn't even want! Well, actually, I do know why. I have always had problems, physically, and mentally. I mean, I am not psychotic or anything, I just have some problems. Because, I have tourettes. And, I pay for that when ever people come up to me and ask me about it, or make a stupid crack. I know when most people think of it, they either say, what is that, or is that the thing where you cuss a lot? I never know exactly what to say, so I just tell them, yeah, it is. But, now I'm getting tired of it, I mean, everyday at school, people ask me, why I twitch, or why my eyes blink. I don't know what to say, so I just tell them it's a habit. Because, it kind of is.

But, it's also kind of not. I hate that people at school think that they can get me to do anything because of it. But I hate that I actually can more! They don't usually threaten me physically, but, when the "most popular girl in school" comes and asks me to do something, or even the not-so popular girl asks me to do something, I always do it. Sometimes I feel I owe it to society, like it's my fault I have tourettes, and it's my fault I blink, and for some reason, it's "putting a damper" on everyone else's life. But, how? How is my tics, and my being made fun of, how is that hurting anyone else's life? It isn't, I finally figured that out. So, for now on, if anyone comes up to me, and says, "Can I borrow 5 dollars", or "Can I keep this pen?" I am gonna look them in the eye and say, "No, I don't give anything away for free."

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